Fix broken paths using the Locate Project Files tool

The Locate Project Files tool found on the SonarWiz Tools ribbon bar is used to repair path names that have become broken due to a project move or other file operation. SonarWiz stores path names in 5 different databases, some of these databases have several paths that need to be correct for the SonarWiz project to operate correctly.

The following table lists the locations, type, pathnames and description of what file or directory the path should point toward.

Some contacts and features have some of their file names specified in two parts: a folder/directory (a Collection), plus the filename (Item). By changing the collection location, all of the contacts/features that point to that collection will be updated. This is how paths are updated on project move, for example, subject to the “retain links” settings on the contact/feature preferences pages.

The features database also has a CSF folder collection, but it’s presently not allowed to be edited by the find files functionality via preprocessor.









CSF acoustic files


Acoustic File

Full path to the source file imported to create the CSF file.

Contact paths/Files


Target File Path

Path to the \CSF subfolder in the project.


Image Path

Path to the \Targets subfolder in the project.


Original Image File

Not used.


Image File

The target image filename. The image must be located in the Image Path subfolder of the project.


Target Sonar File

CSF filename on which target was picked. CSF File must be located in the Target File Path.


Original Acoustic File

Full path to the source file imported to create the CSF file.

Feature Paths/files


Image Path

Not used.


Acoustic File Path

Path to the directory containing source files imported to create the CSF file.


Target File

The CSF filename this feature belongs. (must be located in the CSF subfolder of the project)


Acoustic File

Filename of the source file imported to create the CSF. Must be located in Acoustic File Path.

Map Correction Targets1


Grid target ('unknown label' in 7.06.06)

Full path to grids used for map corrections. Usually located in the \Grids subfolder of the project.


Map target

Full path to basemaps used for a map correction. Usually located in the \GeoTiffs or \Maps subfolder of the project


CSF target

Full path to CSF file used for a map correction. Usually located in the \CSF subfolder of the project


Mag target

Full path to the magnetometer file used for a map correction. Usually located in the \MAG subfolder of the project.

SBP Intersection Locations


CSF file

Full path to CSF files linked by the intersection. There are always two CSF files per intersection.

  1. All map correction targets are informational only.


  1. Open the Locate Project Files utility by clicking on the Tools (ribbon menu) > Locate Project Files… icon

  2. In the upper left drop down, select the the Location you want to view/edit.

  3. Select the type of path to update: Collection or Items.

  4. In the upper right drop down, select the Path name you want to view/edit.

    At this point the dialog will list all of the paths stored at the selected location. If any of the paths are broken, they will be highlighted in red and the status icon will be red. If the paths are ok and point to an existing file, the status icon will be green.

    In the following example, we are looking at the Contacts paths/files and we can see that several of the paths pointing to the Original image file are broken:


  5. To locate the correct path, we (1) select the broken pathname in the list, (2) find the directory with the missing file, and (3) select the missing file.

    Note that you can hold down the SHIFT or CTRL keys while making your file selection to select multiple items in the list at one time:


  6. Once the correct file has been located, you can click the Set path for selected items to: button to update the Path (directory) only, or you can click the Set path/file for selected item to: button to update both the Path and the File name.

  7. After clicking one of the Set paths buttons above, the status icon should turn yellow to indicate that the path has been updated, but it is not yet saved:


  8. Click the Save button to permanently update the file. If the path was successfully re-established with the indicated file, the status icon will turn green:


  9. You will need to repeat steps 1 - 8 for each combination of Project Location, Collection or Item and Pathname until all of the listed paths have a green status.

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