Batch Import and Export Custom Coordinate Systems (SonarWiz 7.09.04 and older)

CsmImportExport.exe is a command line program included with SonarWiz designed for batch importing and exporting custom coordinate system files from the SonarWiz geodesy database. The tool was originally designed to be run by the SonarWiz installer during upgrade operations, but it is useful for moving large sets of custom CRS files between installations.


CsmImportExport.exe [E|I] [Path]

E - export all custom coordinate systems to path
I - import all custom coordinate systems from path
[Path] - path to SonarWiz Geodesy directory, quoted if necessary, with no trailing backslash.


To export all custom coordinate systems from your current geodesy database

  1. Open the Windows Command Prompt by clicking Start | and typing “Command Prompt”

  2. Change to the SonarWiz directory:
    cd c:\Program Files\Chesapeake Technology\SonarWiz 7\

  3. Execute the export command.
    CsmImportExport.exe E "C:\ProgramData\Chesapeake Technology\SonarWiz 7\Geodesy"

    Note: The path provided is to your geodesy library which is usually installed in C:\ProgramData\Chesapeake Technology\SonarWiz 7\Geodesy

    You will see a message for each coordinate system exported:

    0Exporting CRS:84 to C:\ProgramData\Chesapeake Technology\SonarWiz 7\Geodesy...
    0Exporting Svy21: to C:\ProgramData\Chesapeake Technology\SonarWiz 7\Geodesy...

  4. The custom coordinate systems installed in this Geodesy Database have been converted to GML files (SonarWiz 7.10.0 or newer) or GXP files (SonarWiz 7.09.04 and older) and can be moved from C:\ProgramData\Chesapeake Technology\SonarWiz 7\Geodesy


To batch import coordinate systems from into your current geodesy database

  1. Place all of the GML (SonarWiz 7.10.0 and newer) or GXP (SonarWiz 7.09.04 and older) files that you wish to import into your sonarwiz geodesy database directory. This is usually located at C:\ProgramData\Chesapeake Technology\SonarWiz 7\Geodesy:


  2. Open the Windows Command Prompt and switch to the SonarWiz 7 directory:
    cd c:\Program Files\Chesapeake Technology\SonarWiz 7\

  3. Execute the import command. The path should point towards your SonarWiz geodesy database directory
    CsmImportExport.exe I "C:\ProgramData\Chesapeake Technology\SonarWiz 7\Geodesy"

    You will see several output messages as CsmImportExport loads the new CRS into the database

    0 - Importing coordinate system definitions from C:\ProgramData\Chesapeake Technology\SonarWiz 7\Geodesy_NHRN67-Qatar-UTM39N.gxp
    0 - Importing Ellipsoid >CLRK80< ellipsoid with this name already exists....SKIPPING
    0 - Importing Datum >:NHRWN-Qatar<...added OK.
    0 - Importing CS >:NHRN67-Qatar-UTM39N<...added OK.
    0 - Importing coordinate system definitions from C:\ProgramData\Chesapeake Technology\SonarWiz 7\Geodesy_NHRN67-Qatar-UTM39N_LL.gxp
    0 - Importing Ellipsoid >CLRK80< ellipsoid with this name already exists....SKIPPING
    0 - Importing Datum >:NHRWN-Qatar<...a datum with this name already exists....SKIPPING
    0 - Importing CS >:NHRN67-Qatar-UTM39N.LL<...added OK.

  4. When the import is finished. Switch to SonarWiz and launch the Geodesy Tool (Tools | Geodesy Utility…)


  5. Click Import… and re-import one of the GXP files you imported above (it doesn’t matter which one you select)

    NOTE: This last import step using the Geodesy Tool causes SonarWiz to update files necessary for operating with the new CRS that the CsImportExport.exe utility is not allowed to modify during an install.

  6. You should now see all of your GXP files in the Geodesy Tool list:


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