SonarWiz Current Release Notes

Current Release


SonarWiz 8.00.01

Release Date:

April 22, 2024


SonarWiz 8.00.01 is a minor bug-fix release to address UI issues in the 8.00.00 release.

Release notes - SonarWiz - 8.00.01


WIZ-3125 S7K reader importing as SSS crashes when given fewer raw detection points than beams

WIZ-3177 Magnetometer button on the Data Acquistion Tab is permanently disabled.

Release notes - SonarWiz - 8.00.01

SonarWiz 8.00.01 is a minor bug-fix release. There are significant changes to the user experience, however the project files are backward compatible with SonarWiz 7.12

Release notes - SonarWiz - 8.00.00

SonarWiz 8.00.01 is a major release. There are significant changes to the user experience, however the project files are backward compatible with SonarWiz 7.12


WIZ-3051 Fix New Project Coordinate System Display.

WIZ-3052 Layout Manager doesn't work

WIZ-3053 Mapping Toolbar cannot dock at the top after tearing it off

WIZ-3054 Propertys Dialogs have Yellow Backgrounds maybe medium grey?

WIZ-3055 About window link labels should be blue and underlined

WIZ-3061 Bathymetry > Settings > Project Level Settings Dialog has yellow background

WIZ-3062 Fix SonarWiz button on ribbon bar

WIZ-3065 Color window palette drop down is blank

WIZ-3076 Properties Window Toolbar is missing

WIZ-3080 Properties color palette combo box is broken. ... button does not work.

WIZ-3085 Create a New Project Dialog Coordinate System Box Text display

WIZ-3100 SSS Digitizer > Appearance icons lost transparency

WIZ-3123 Fix the grow shrink grow that the main window does on startup.

WIZ-3157 Remove settings button menu thing on Post Processing Ribbon Bar Tab.

WIZ-3158 Remove SSS and Bathy Settings dialogs which were linked via the Settings button menu on the ribbon bar and the chicken foot application options.

WIZ-3159 Move the Auto Import settings to the Import drop down menu below Monitor folder.

WIZ-3160 Rename all of the Options dialog captions in the AIO window to "#### Import Settings".

WIZ-3161 Look at combining the FLS Options dialogs so that they are combined.


WIZ-2706 Add support for new JSF coordinate unit = 4 \(X, Y in centimeters\)

WIZ-2708 Make a list of software licenses that SonarWiz uses.

WIZ-2709 Create a place in SonarWiz to show third party software licenses and attribution.

WIZ-2728 SBP Waterfall takes forever to open.

WIZ-2780 Add split on time gaps to the split tool for SSS and SBP data.

WIZ-2781 Add a file import compression option to the Chicken Foot File Options page.

WIZ-2782 Remove allow far field transparency from the import code.

WIZ-2783 Remove m\_bSingleBeamAdjustSoundingsForRollPitch from SonarWiz.

WIZ-2784 Remove Time Constant for Course Smoothing from Project Dialog.

WIZ-2785 Rename the Options \(chicken foot menu\) in the program menu to "App Settings"

WIZ-2786 Remove old code that is no longer used due to implementing the All In One Import feature.

WIZ-2787 Remove the Coordinate Source from the Project Dialog.

WIZ-2807 Create a remote contact / waypoint creation external input tool in SonarWiz.

WIZ-2899 Add a setting to the Chicken Foot File options to control the time gap import value.

WIZ-2908 Ability to add/remove files from tables \(allows tables to move between projects\)

WIZ-2914 Add support for S7K multi-detect soundings

WIZ-2917 Convert SonarWiz to from MFC feature pack to BCGControlBar SDK and change the SonarWiz look.

WIZ-2933 Rename "Reson S7K" to "S7K in UI

WIZ-2938 Replace the drag and drop import window with the new All In One Import window.

WIZ-2968 Add a SBP multiples removal capability to SonarWiz.

WIZ-2973 Cross section on grids - color by grid or actual value

WIZ-3018 Refactor the Bathymetry Ray Tracing code.

WIZ-3078 AIO dialog needs to check user license before displaing import options

WIZ-3084 Add "Replay Direction" button to the SSS Digitizer

WIZ-3104 Add SDF logging to the Klein 5K server.

WIZ-3108 Add Sensor Depth support to the CMax CM2 import.

WIZ-3116 Process CSF files that have gain settings applied immediately even if they are disabled.

WIZ-3151 Add all of the JSF Bathy Position packet parameters to the JSF Bathy Records extractor tool.


WIZ-2883 Contact numbering starts at 2

WIZ-2884 Magnetic Anomaly numbering starts at 2

WIZ-2992 SBP Features offset track navigation in Map View in GDA2020

WIZ-2993 Real-time CSF functions \(waterfall, mosaic, ?\) need to use the real-time samples per channel setting in program options not the SSS Import SEttings

WIZ-3040 SBP - Feature Export - Depth Below Seabed meters not correct

WIZ-3048 Create Point/Text feature button doesn't work in SSS digitizer

WIZ-3050 SBP Digitizer doesn't draw bottom track correctly until after switching tabs at least once

WIZ-3056 Static Gain Scalar in Backscatter Processing broken

WIZ-3063 SonarWiz 8 instance detection is not properly detecting current versions

WIZ-3064 Default settings in Export > Save Project As Website don't work

WIZ-3066 Data Aquisition > Navigation Applanix template is not working in 7.12 series

WIZ-3067 Linked Target Report in Web Report no longer works

WIZ-3081 SonarWiz-written SegY files can have binary headers written with a mix of endianness

WIZ-3083 Checkbox in 3D editor to not redraw plan view currently doesnt work, causes crashes

WIZ-3086 Importing SSS-Only XTF files creates empty bathy \(red\) bathy files

WIZ-3087 SSS Options > Samples Per Channel Setting does not work

WIZ-3088 Navigation Attitude editor failing to draw track lines with numVerticies error

WIZ-3089 SBP Manual Insert Bottom Track Vertex button is not working

WIZ-3091 Map Toolbar > Capture Contact button crashes SonarWiz

WIZ-3092 Contact Report Generator Dialog Rendering is bonkers

WIZ-3094 Swath Editor no longer communicating changes to SonarWiz

WIZ-3095 Bathymetry Area Editor: Send Mouse Position to SonarWiz is not working

WIZ-3096 Bathymetry Process Backscatter Settings Not Working

WIZ-3098 Sidescan Context Menus are missing from Project Explorer

WIZ-3099 contour feet and meter issue

WIZ-3105 Target Report Generator not generating output

WIZ-3109 SBP Signal Trace window is offset down from the top of the plotted traces

WIZ-3110 Ruler tool on the SSS Digitizer is broken.

WIZ-3111 Playback Window Won't Open

WIZ-3113 Right-click in SSS digitizer doesn't go out of polyline creation add points mode

WIZ-3118 Blank Water Column option in SBP Gains is not blanking all the way to the seafloor

WIZ-3121 SBP import failing for 2nd import in some circumstances

WIZ-3130 Grid Cross-Section Report Crashes SonarWiz 8.00.00

WIZ-3131 Can't make contacts in the Map View using the Maping Toolbar

WIZ-3132 Mapping Toolbar > Capture Screen to clipboard does not work

WIZ-3134 Some blanking controls can go missing from digitizer

WIZ-3136 Auto Fill Points funciton is broken in Beta 2024/03/26

WIZ-3137 Can't OK SABT setup window because calculated snap ranges don't allow any valid entries

WIZ-3138 All in one-import dialog filter doesn't list magnetometer files

WIZ-3140 Zoom to \(Z\) Grids is broken in SW8

WIZ-3141 Too many sig figs in Grid Cross-section profile export

WIZ-3144 Individual Contact Export Images are corrupted.

WIZ-3147 Sub-Bottom import settings dialog window title was not defined

WIZ-3148 Forward Looking Sonar Import Settings dialog is too large

WIZ-3152 Sonar Wiz crashing and dumping out when disabling SSS files in project explorer.

WIZ-3162 Options > Realtime Options > Annotate with value every check box, disables Min Value and Max Value scaling

WIZ-3166 <m\_csContactExportGeotifDir> property in MML file is migrating between projects

WIZ-3167 Single-file processing not getting refresh message to views


WIZ-2739 Create a CSF library testing program for benchmarking etc.

WIZ-2829 Merge CSF8 with CSF benchmark branch

WIZ-2832 Convert benchmark to CSF8 fast API calls.

WIZ-2833 Benchmark CSF8 fast version.

WIZ-2834 Write short report that shows the difference for various operations.

WIZ-3034 Add in single beam parser to the Kongsberg RAW file format

WIZ-3057 Use MML to automatically open project

WIZ-3073 Move File-related options in Advanced Settings to File Settings

WIZ-3074 Update Repair SonarWiz 7 Utility for SonarWiz 8

WIZ-3075 Review CTI Project Promoter for SonarWiz 8 installer

WIZ-3077 Bathy Merge settings aren't holding in SonarWiz 8

WIZ-3112 Server Installers need to be updated to find SonarWiz 8 directory, if present

WIZ-3153 Import Related items in SonarWiz V8.00.00 to address.



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