SonarWiz 6 Release Notes

SonarWiz 6 was in production from March 2015 through July 2017. SonarWiz 6 was the last 32-bit version of SonarWiz.

Version 6.05.0018

  1. JTG:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:SI-223 -- The thread for trimming a CSF file to a polygon was not honoring the state of the checkbox in the project explorer so it was trimming all CSF files
    every time the function was execute. This has been fixed so that only enabled CSF files will be trimmed.

  2. DPF:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:SI-211 -- Sidescan was not adding grid convergence angle (angle from true north to grid north) to beam bearings. Fixed.

  3. DPF:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM -- SSS EGN now properly handles 0 values, also tweaked the altitude filtering to get smoother results in some cases.

  4. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:JSF:MINOR:SI-234-- Add option to select the event number source from JSF files. Users may opt for the traditional Mark field or the
    new Annotation value in the JSF File Type Specific options dialog.

Version 6.05.0017

  1. DPF:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:SI-187 -- Kongsberg ALL MBES packets 44, 78, 83, 88, 89 can be imported to CSF sidescan (requires a bathymetry license).

  2. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:CSF:MINOR:SI-217 -- Create a new ASCII track plot export function requested by Fugro EMU.

  3. JBF:BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:PL8884 -- Some cases of annotations in batch-exported SBP images being incorrectly located for trimmed CSF files have been fixed.

  4. JTG:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:SI-220-- SonarWiz was not extracting the pressure depth from AUV data recorded from a DeltaT system. This is now fixed.

  5. JTG:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:SI-221-- The Lowrance SL3 bathy import was glacially slow. This has been fixed.

  6. JTG:BUGFIX:XTF:MINOR:SI-222-- The Tools->XTF->Extract XTF Header was crashing on some flavors of XTF. Fixed.

  7. JTG:BUGFIX:XTF:MINOR:SI-225-- The CSF to XTF export utility was nothonoring the number of samples imported in the CSF when creating the XTF. Instead,
    the export function generated an XTF file with 4096 samples, regardless of the number of samples in the CSF.

  8. JTG:BUGFIX:XTF:MINOR:SI-226 -- UDP Navigation input was broken in the previous release. This is now fixed.

Version 6.05.0016

  1. JBF:BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM -- The eventing pane, in prior versions, would often load with a "next event" of very high magnitude; this is fixed.

  2. JBF:ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM -- The "Open Log Folder" command now selects the current log file in the opened Explorer window.

  3. JBF:ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM -- Many of the utilities available in the file-type-specific ribbon drop-downs, that prompt for multiple files and then operate on them (extracting data, converting, etc.) now have wait cursors.

  4. JBF:ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:SI-139 -- The "Export Mosaic as Tiles" function now opens, in an Explorer window, the folder containing the exported tiles at the end of the operation.

  5. JBF:BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:SI-201? -- In prior versions, when gains were changed (via the Apply button) from the SSS or SBP gain dialogs, launched from the file manager, the resulting progress bar at the bottom of the main window would often remain visible at the end of the operation, and the plan view would not redraw with the new gains. This is fixed.

  6. JBF:BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM -- Survey line grouping and ungrouping commands would cause many unnecessary redraws and scrolls of the file explorer tree, and possibly missing/duplicated survey lines in the tree; this is fixed.

  7. JBF:ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM -- Some items in the file explorer tree (e.g., survey lines) that would sometimes before be sorted by name, are now sorted by name with a "natural" short, putting integer components in, e.g., 1, 2, 3, .. 10, 11 order instead of 1, 10, 11, 2, 3 ...

  8. JBF:BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM -- In some prior versions, survey line groups (and not the lines contained in them) could "migrate" into a new project from whatever project was opened at the time the new project was created; this is fixed.

  9. JBF:ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:SI-204 -- CSF intersections now have "draw symbol" and "draw text" boolean properties instead of just a single "enabled" property. The "draw symbol" property controls whether the symbol (a line for the intersection, and perpendicular ticks for intersecting other-file features in the SBP digitizer, and a small circle [and surrounding square, if selected] in the plan view) is drawn. The "draw text" property controls whether the intersecting line name & row and intersecting feature names (in the digitizer) or intersection # (plan view) is drawn. Both are shown/editable in the intersection list window, which also now shows CSF row numbers and X/Y coordinates. Checkboxes next to intersections in the explorer tree are checked if either property is enabled, and changing the check sets both properties.

  10. JBF:BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM -- The draw & draw text check boxes in the core import dialog would not be taken into account in imported cores if they were changed in the dialog via the checkbox in the header row of the grid; this is fixed.

Version 6.05.0015

  1. DPF:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM -- Added support for reading navigation from XTF files when importing Hypack/SonarWiz 7K format bathymetry.

  2. JTG:BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:SI-192 -- Fix a bug that prevented single channel sidescan XTF files from importing correctly.

  3. JBF:BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:SI-139 -- The tile boundary adjustments introduced in 6.05.0014 could cause some valid tiles to go missing, resulting in an incomplete tile export; this is fixed.

  4. JBF:BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM -- Many commands that have no applicability without a project open were available with no project open, and have been disabled until a project is opened.

Version 6.05.0014

  1. JTG:BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:SI-176 -- CSF to SEGY not writing KP values into Trace Headers. Fixed.

  2. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:GRID:MINOR:SI-184 -- Implement convex hull function on grids.

  3. JTG:BUGFIX:CM2:MINOR:SI-185 -- CM2 file with specific rangeCode 18 would not import. We think the CM2 documentation is flawed. The rangeCode sample count has been updated.

  4. JBF:BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:SI-139 -- The "Save Mosaic to Tiles" function could in some instances export tiles having slightly different locations than intended. This is fixed, and the export window now displays how limits will be adjusted to line up on tile size boundaries.

  5. DPF:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:SI-187 -- Kongsberg MBES backscatter from packets 83, 88 and 89 can be imported as pure sidescan files again.

Version 6.05.0013

  1. JBF:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:SI-71 -- The SSS digitizer had the same toolbar problems the magnetometer editor had (assertions, blank or black-backgrounded buttons), and were similarly fixed.

  2. JTG:BUGFIX:WEB:MINOR:SI-153 -- Fix the web generator crash bug when the background color of the view was set to something other than white or black.

  3. JBF:BUGFIX:GRID:MINOR:SI-145 -- Adding/removing grids and grid sub-groups could sometimes lead to grids and groups going missing in the file explorer tree; this is fixed.

  4. JBF:ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:SI-139 -- The "Export Mosaic as Tiles" export now offers the ability to fully choose the limits exporting, which allows for anchoring one or more corners to known survey points. Radio buttons to export the entire mosaic or export the current plan view only set X/Y min/max coordinates nearby; a "custom" option allows for editing those coordinates.

  5. JBF:ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:SI-150 -- The "Export Mosaic as Tiles" export will now compress GeoTIFFs by default; a checkbox in the dialog allows for disabling the compression.

  6. DPF:BUGFIX:GRIDS:MINOR:GM -- Amplitude mean grid algorithm was gridding bathymetry not amplitude. Fixed

  7. DPF:BUGFIX:BATY:MINOR:GM -- Default angles for GeoSwath updated for new bathymetry engine.

  8. JBF:BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:SI-158 -- In prior versions, some gain information for CSF files (visible in the gain window, the file explorer, the context menu items) would not be accurate for a file re-imported over an existing file; this is fixed.

  9. JBF:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM -- In prior versions, opening the SSS digitizer could load a high-resolution image, but leave the "Standard" resolution radio button checked; this is fixed.

  10. JBF:ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:SI-157 -- Batch image export has a pair of radio buttons on the dialog to switch between standard and high resolution export for SSS images. The settings mirror those in the SSS digitizer - standard is 1024 pixels wide, high is the full CSF data (generally 2048). The setting is remembered between waterfall digitizer invocations, and acts as a default for the batch export window.

  11. DPF:BUGFIX:Bathy:Minor:SI-162 -- SonarWiz was not reading the time offset from tide files. This is fixed.

Version 6.05.0012 23 March 2017

  1. CAF:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:SI-130 -- SI-130 - Stripes in RT Waterfall. Fixed the problem using a modified CWaterfallControl::ResampleRaster() function that adds maximum subsampling in between samples.

  2. JTG:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:SI-129 -- The PulSAR SMB file format contained some surprise packets we have never seen. These new data types are now supported.

  3. JTG:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:SI-82 -- In the absence of a bathy post-processing license the CSF (sidescan) gridder was crashing. This is now fixed.

  4. JTG:BUGFIX:SES:MINOR:SI-132 -- On the Innomar SES SIS-Strings assignment dialog users may apply a scaler and offset to the data pulled from the SIS Strings. The scaler logic has been
    updated to allow only non-zero values as scalers.

  5. JBF:BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:SI-133 -- CSF processing copy HF<->LF was not copying all bottom data or triggering image processing for slant range correction after copying. Bottom data is now taken from CSF extension, as well as the CSF records, getting dual channel bottom tracks if available, and image processing is triggered at project open (for copying into a project not currently open), or after the copying dialog closes (for copying into the currently-opened project).

  6. JTG:BUGFIX:GPR:MINOR:SI-137 -- User sent us some Mala Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data that would not import. This issue is fixed.

  7. JBF:BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:SI-133 -- CSF processing copy HF<->LF was not copying all bottom data or triggering image processing for slant range correction after copying. Bottom data is now taken from CSF extension, as well as the CSF records, getting dual channel bottom tracks if available, and image processing is triggered at project open (for copying into a project not currently open), or after the copying dialog closes (for copying into the currently-opened project).

  8. JBF:BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:SI-71 -- The magnetometer editor toolbar had blank/black/off-position buttons in some prior versions; these are fixed.

Version 6.05.0011 17 March 2017

  1. DPF:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:SI-113A -- Kongsberg ALL file packet 44 was not properly setting the channel number on dual head sonars.

  2. DPF:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:SI-113B -- Kongsberg ALL files were processing packet 83 imagery during bathymetry processing and issueing an
    error related to dual-head compatibility. Packet 83 is not used during bathymetry processing (bathy packets have their own
    backscatter values). New guards in the code will prevent this packet 83 code from running when importing bathymetry files.

  3. JTG:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:SI-119 -- Dragging and dropping files onto the main SonarWiz window created the project successfully but then crashed during the import step.

  4. CAF:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:SI-120 -- SSS Slant Range Correction leaves a dark stripe in center of the image. This turned out to be a variable scoping issue where a for
    loop did not initialize the iterator in the SlantRangeCorrectSSSRaster() function. Fixed now.

  5. JTG:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:SI-124 -- The bathymetry acquisition evaluation code was not being recognized by SonarWiz as a valid server option. When SonarWiz started the
    Data Acquisition
    tab would be removed if bathy evaluation was enabled. This has been fixed.

  6. JTG:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:SI-125 -- SXP files were not appearing in the sidescan import file dialog unless the user selected "All Files". Fixed.

  7. JTG:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:SI-119A -- Creating a new project via drag and drop was not correctly setting the gain and channel selections. Fixed.

  8. DPF:BUGFIX:VE:MINOR:SI-113C -- Vessel Editor was not importing sensor offsets for second channel on dual-channel Kongsberg systems from ALL files. Latest builds from
    Olga should fix this.

  9. DPF:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM -- Box filter changed to use seafloor depth instead of depth-below-transducer.

  10. DPF:BUGFIX:PTC:MINOR:SI-113C -- Files using processed bathymetry formats including BathySwath SXP, Kongsberg XYZ88, Depth44, etc. were causing the PTC to crash on
    launch. The PTC will no-longer crash with these formats.

  11. JTG:BUGFIX:PTC:MINOR:SI-113C -- Add logic to the bathy import process to store a flag to indocate whether or not the raw data format is in a compatible
    format (Range/Angle) to work in the PTC. If an incompatible format is detected the PTC will not be launched.

Version 6.05.0010 03 March 2017

  1. DPF:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:SI-93 -- XTF reader was not correctly initializing beam data flags for some bathy packet types. This lead to problems during merge. Fixed.

  2. DPF:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:SI-93 -- XTF reader will now read and store pressure information stored in the XTF header records.

  3. JTG:BUGFIX:SSS:SI-101 -- Occasionally some SS files would fail to import unless the "Allow Negative Coordinates" check box was set. The reason for this
    was a bug in the validity checking of the far field swath coordinates and has been corrected.

  4. JTG:BUGFIX:JSF:SI-102 -- If the JSF file type specific option "Skip First N JSF Pings" was set to anything except zero the JSF file would fail to import. This now fixed.

  5. DPF:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:SI-94 -- Seabed Classification module now works with bathymetry backscatter data.

  6. DPF:BUGFIX:BATHY:SI-105 Imagenix 83P file reader was failing to compute sample time correctly on import. Fixed.

  7. CAF:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:NA -- Fixed a bug in the bottom tracking in the CXTFFile where the CharacterizeBottomTrackChannel() did not take into account the reversed data in the Port channel. The average would be incorrect on the port channel. Now it is the same for both channels.

  8. JBF:ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:SI-107 -- Contact images can now be recaptured to reflect updated palette, annotation, gain settings. A "Recapture" button in the target manager does this for selected targets, and a context menu item for contacts within the file explorer tree does the same.

  9. DPF:BUGFIX:BATHY:SI-110 -- Fixed a couple of bugs in the (beta) bathymetry waterfall display that had been broken since floating point amplitudes introduced. It should work now for both bathymetry and amplitude, however the color pallet is limited to min-max range.

  10. JTG:BUGFIX:HSX:SI-115 -- This was a bug in the Hypack position string reader that failed to extract the device number from the POS packet. If the user
    selected a specific device number for position then it would fail. If they left the setting at "Use Any" it would work. This is now fixed.

  11. CAF:ENHANCEMENT:SBP/SSS:MINOR:NA -- Added extensive file property discovery to the SES and Simrad RAW file readers. Added Sample Min/Max/Polarity property discovery to the SEGY, XTF, JSF, SES, and Simrad RAW file format readers. Fixed a little bug in the SBP import dialog where the
    the reader factory would use a SSS reader instead of a SBP reader when looking at the file's properties. It now uses the proper reader.

Version 6.05.0009 17 FEBRUARY 2017

  1. DPF:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:GM:SI-73 -- Added Natural Neighbor gridding algorithm for bathy gridding.

  2. DPF:BUGFIX:BATHY:GM:SI-87 -- Crash during merge for sonar formats using XYZ style beam coordinates (HS2x, XYZ88 packets in ALL files, SXP). This is fixed.

  3. DPF:BUGFIX:SS:GM:SI-62 -- Improved resolution of SS amplitude for SXP files (requires user to save rejected data in Swath Processor).

  4. JTG:BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:3308:SI-84 -- When a user imports a magnetometer file that does not include a line name and then they set
    the option to label the mag lines in the plan view nothing was being drawn. This logic has been updated to substitute the mag file name
    for the empty linename.

  5. JTG:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0:SI-69 -- Bathy XTF Files that were recorded by SonarWiz with the PingDSP sonar may not import correctly depending
    on the motion sensor in use at the time of data collection. This was a post-processing time stamping issue that has been fixed.

  6. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:3065:SI-92 -- The 3D Bathy Area editor now supports turning on/off individual survey lines for editing purposes.
    SonarWiz also responds to this action by updating it's plan view display.

Version 6.05.0008 03 FEBRUARY 2017

  1. JTG:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:4416:SI-74 -- Importing multiple HS2 or HS2x files did not always work correctly. Fixed.

  2. JTG:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0:SI-65 -- The Millisecond time value in XTFATTITUDEDATA was declared was incorrectly set as a DWORD when it should have been a WORD. Now fixed.

  3. CAF/DPF:BUGFIX:GRID:MINOR:GM:0:SI-63 -- Fixed the CTIGridProcessor showing a window saying "The Parameter is Incorrect". It was caused by a zero length string being passed to the CTextMsgManager::PostString() (located in CTIDevUtils). PostString is fixed now. *** Be sure to update CTIDevUtils!

  4. DPF:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0:SI-69 -- Fixed a bug in bathy computations that was incorrectly computing dynamic heave.

  5. JBF:ENHANCEMENTS:SBP:MINOR:GM:0:SI-75 -- SBP Digitizer annotations drawn as exported ones are: measurements used to align text at bottom, annotate from left/start by distance flag considered, annotation on leftmost ping draws to the right of line.

  6. DPF:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:SI-69 -- Automatic filter status flags are now saved in the raw table so that rejected samples stay that way during subsequent merges if desired.

  7. JBF:BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0:SI-55 -- The SBP digitizer drew bottom traces, annotations, etc. incorrectly when flipped end-to-end with replication/decimation/speed correction applied; this is fixed.

  8. JBF:BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0:SI-55 -- Exported SBP images annotated by distance travelled would have many of the intervals missing; this is fixed.

Version 6.05.0007 20 JANUARY 2017

  1. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0:SI-47 -- Add new RawSonar table element BeamData4 to support advanced features of Kongsberg and other multibeam sonars. This
    change will cause a promotion of old database files.

  2. DPF:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0:SI-47 -- Rewritten dynamic heave calculations should reduce wobbles on long lever arms.

  3. DPF:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0:SI-47 -- Add support for Kongsberg systems with beam delay features (for ex. em302)

  4. JTG:BUGFIX:SL3:MINOR:GM:0:SI-68 -- The Lowrance SL3 reader had a bug in the file naming that was exposed with a recent update to the way bathy datasets are named. Fixed.

  5. DPF:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0:SI-43 -- Finish the bathy Grid Merge tool that allows the combining of multiple bathy surfaces into a single composite surface.

  6. CAF:BUGFIX:GRID:MINOR:GM0:SI-63 -- Fixed SonarWiz throwing an RETURN_ON_ASSERT_FAILURE after creating a grid and adding it to the project. Renamed the m_bOnCompletionAddToBasemap flag to m_bOnCompletionAddToGridFileCollection to avoid confusion of where the grid is actually added.

Version 6.05.0006 06 JANUARY 2017

  1. JBF:ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:1649:SI-50 -- The SBP digitizer bottom tracking ribbon menu now has an "Offset" button that will prompt for an offset value (in meters), then move the bottom track vertically by the specified amount.

  2. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:3213:SI-53 -- Add initial support for Atlas Parasound SBP (.ACF) data file format.

  3. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:4416:SI-54 -- Add initial support for importing Hypack HS2/HS2x bathymetry files.

  4. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:3148:SI-56 -- Add bathy raw file suffix to the bathy dataset name to allow different file types to be imported into the same project when they have the same name but different file suffixes.

  5. JBF:BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0:SI-55 -- The SBP digitizer's on-the-fly viewer should now respect horizontal and vertical resolutions/modes from the SBP preferences tab. Previously, features, bottom tracks, contacts, etc., would often be misaligned with imagery in anything other than "full" horizontal mode, due to the imagery not changing. Previously, vertical mode settings were not taken into account in the on-the-fly imagery.

Version 6.05.0005 16 DECEMBER 2016

  1. JBF:ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0:SI-23 -- The SBP digitizer bottom tracking ribbon menu now has an "Offset" button that will prompt for an offset value (in meters), then move the bottom track vertically by the specified amount.

  2. JBF:ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0:SI-8 -- Right-click context menus containing "Zoom To" and "Rename" options are now available for the various sub-group types in the explorer tree.

  3. JBF:ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:0:SI-15 -- The "bulk contact creation" function (was "Create from XY file.." in Contact Manager, now "Create from XY file or features..") now allows the X/Y list to be populated from point features in the current project, instead of an external X/Y file.

  4. JBF:BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0:N/A -- Gain application could result in many error messages referencing "WriteProcessedBlobData"; two known instances of this are fixed.

  5. JBF:BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0:N/A -- Importing channel 2 from a SEG-Y file would take trace data from channel 1 for the first ping; this is fixed.

  6. JTG:BUGFIX:Classification:MINOR:GM:0:SI-40 -- In the Classification dialog, the Settings->Manage Classes button caused SonarWiz to crash. Fixed.

  7. DPF:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:SI-46 -- Fixed SXP reader bug confusing transducer depth with heave

  8. DPF:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:SI-46 -- Fixed bug in along-across bathymetry computation which was inverting the sign of the transducer depth

  9. DPF:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:SI-46 -- Fixed bug in along-across amplitude processing that was not always copying all of the processed amplitude back into the database.

  10. DPF:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM -- Re-wrote along-across amplitude processing computations using new math conventions so they are faster and easier to debug.

  11. CAF:BUGFIX:GRIDS:MINOR:0:SI-39 -- Fixed a bug that caused the ARC GIS .ASC file to use xdim/ydim in the header rather than cellsize. Fixed now. Also added the saving/loading of the grid export type in the MML file.

  12. CAF:BUGFIX:GRIDS:MINOR:0:SI-42 -- Fixed a bug in the CBathyGridRenderer class that made a single beam grid disappear when the Grid Shader was enabled.

  13. JTG:BUGFIX:JSF:MINOR:0:SI-45 -- In an attempt to simplify the importing process for the user, new prescan code has been implemented to detect what position sources
    are available in the JSF and to correct the user's settings for position source if those settings would fail.

  14. CAF:BUGFIX:CAF:MINOR:0:N/A -- This is a continuation of the #4 bugfix by JBF. Gain application was still throwing "WriteProcessedBlobData" errors after a file had been bottom tracked in the SBP digitizer window.

Version 6.05.0004 25 NOVEMBER 2016

  1. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0:SI-13 -- The updated R2Sonic bathy server provides the capability to record the raw R2Sonic data stream in the same format as Hypack .R2S files.
    R2S files contain sonar information only and not attitude or position data. Previously, when SonarWiz post-processes the raw R2S files from Hypack it looks for an HSX or RAW file to
    provide the position and attitude data. SonarWiz does not record HSX or RAW files, that's a Hypack thing. But we do record the bathy, position and attitude inside the XTF file.
    The R2S reader has now been updated to look for an XTF file to provide the position and attitude data for post-processing the R2S files.

  2. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0:SI-14 -- Added a Properties button the sidescan and sub-bottom file import dialogs to display detailed diagnostic information about a raw acoustic
    file to better assist the user to adjust the import settings.

  3. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:JSF:MINOR:GM:0:SI-18 -- Detect when a user is importing a Stave JSF file and advise them on how to proceed.

  4. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:JSF:MINOR:GM:65:SI-21 -- Implement a simple extension to our bathymetry export tools to include time as an option on each exported sounding.

  5. CAF:BUGFIX:GRID:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed a bug where viewing the properties of grids would show incorrect values for the Z min/max etc. The Z values were being converted from feet into feet (using meters to feet).
    Also made the Grid Properties window a little nicer looking with some formatting and display of Z units. When importing/opening a grid if the projection cannot be found an error is displayed in the log. Also if
    a grid's units are different than that of the project then an error is displayed in the log. If the user is importing a grid and the projection cannot be found then SonarWiz will prompt the user to choose one.

  6. CAF:ENHANCEMENT:GENERAL:MINOR:0 -- added the setting of the textmsg's target window handle to the App's OpenDocument function so we can see messages from a project being opened up automatically.

  7. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0:SI-26 -- Add support for multi-channel JSF sub-bottom files. JSF sub-bottom files may contain more than 1 channel of data from the same ping but in different data storage formats.

  8. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0:SI-25 -- Add logic to MML file to indicate if the SonarWiz version is 32 or 64 bits.

  9. CAF:BUGFIX:MAPS:MINOR:GM:8233:SI-19 -- the Map Manager window would clear out all of the Maps in the Project Explorer when the OK button was pushed. This is fixed.

  10. JTG:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:239:SI-21 -- The sidescan bottom tracker window does not reset scroll position to the the top of the file when the next or previous file is loaded. This is fixed.

  11. JTG:BUGFIX:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:327:SI-28 -- The CSF sidescan gridder was using way too much memory to grid even a small sidescan area. This has been fixed.

  12. JTG:BUGFIX:TILING:MINOR:GM:5452:SI-29 -- When exporting the mosaic as tiles using the new selectors for the data source area the mosaic tile generation was failing when trying to use small cell sizes. This is fixed.

  13. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:327:SI-30 -- Add new Help tab buttons to launch the bathy and workbook PDFs.

  14. CAF:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Found and fixed a bug in the histogram generation for the SSS data. It was using raw data all the time. Now it uses processed data if there is processed data.

  15. CAF:BUGFIX:GRID:MINOR:GM:0:SI-31 -- The CBathyGridRenderer::FindGridBounds() was messing up on fully occupied grids. It was incorrectly making the grids 1 unit wide. This is fixed.

Version 6.05.0003 11 NOVEMBER 2016

  1. JTG:BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:319 -- The recent SBP Datum Aligned DXF file was emitting all reflectors in every file regardless of how the user configured the output.
    This has been corrected to use only the reflector points for the selected files.

  2. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:RT:MINOR:GM:50 -- Add new export option for planned Survey Lines using the Klein SonarPro compatible txt format.

  3. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Enhance the Add grid function to protect user's grid files from being modified when adding to a SonarWiz project.

  4. JTG:BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- In some cases, if an acoustic file failed to import, this would lead to a crash in the histogram generation code. This was reported
    with the Innomar SES SBP file type and may occur with other failed attempts to import. This issue is fixed.

  5. JTG:BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- If a user selected only the position fields in the Innomar file type specific dialog the SES file
    would never import because no aux fields had been selected. Import on SES files will now continue as long as a valid position field
    has been identified and parsed.

  6. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:4896 -- Implement a new project report that summarizes the altitude in a sonar file. The simple report
    provides the min, max and mean altitude values in the file. The function works by scanning each record in the CSF file and computing the min, max and mean altitude value for the file.

  7. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:5452 -- In the Save Mosaic As Tiles dialog add a pair of radio buttons to control the data area selected for tiling.

  8. JTG:BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The CSF gridding was not using the map corrections if any were applied. This is now fixed.

  9. JTG:ENHANCEMENT:TIDES:MINOR:GM:0 -- In previous versions, it was not possible to unassign a tide file to a dataset once it had been assigned. This is now fixed.

  10. DPF:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- PTC was not calling new bathymetry library during calibration tests. This was leading to roll and pitch signs being reversed at the end of a calibration procedures. This is fixed.

  11. JTG:BUGFIX:CONTOURS:MINOR:GM:0 -- If a user entered a partial output contour file name the destination folder for that filename was undetermined. Additional logic has been
    added to the dialog to verify the complete output path to the contour file name as well as insuring that the file suffix matches the actual type of contour file being requested.
    The default output path name for the contour file has been reset to the .\SHP folder of the current project.

  12. CAF:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- CBathyProcessedRecords::TestForBDBErrors was reporting sharing errors when collecting bathy data. It had to do with the generation of histograms and bathy data point drawing. It should be fixed.

  13. CAF:BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed a crash (not noticible to the user) collecting bathy data real time when Sonar Wiz was closed. The current real time bathy file was being deleted twice. The BathyDataManager now does the only deletion.

  14. JBF:ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:3451 -- Contacts can be created for imported x/y (or lat/lon [due to using the existing magnetometer template mechanism]) coordinates matched against enabled sidescan files; a new dialog launched from the contact manager is the entry point to this functionality.

Version 6.05.0002 21 OCTOBER 2016

  1. ENHANCEMENT:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- SonarWiz now supports importing bathy grids in most of the common grid file formats.

  2. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- When creating a new project and using the Get From File button on an acoustic file that contained only easting northing
    coordinates, the incorrect coordinates were often generated. This has been improved so that when an import file with Easting Northing coordinates
    is detected, the user will be prompted to set the coordinate system of the incoming file.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Implement new SBP Hardness export option that offers an option to export multiple samples within X meters of the seabed.

  4. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- In the SBP annotations dialog, the "Annotate by distance" radio button and Line Name, KP, and Pos (Geo) checkboxes were not being enabled/disabled when appropriate; this is fixed.

  5. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The on-the-fly SBP viewer, when viewing a line flipped end-to-end, did not reverse the sonar data image, resulting in misalignment with features, etc.; this is fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- In the SSS waterfall digitizer, distance-based annotations could be spaced significantly further away than intended; this is fixed.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Implement new SBP reflector export format named High Definition ASCII that generates an output record for every ping along the reflector instead of just
    the click points like the standard ASCII export format does.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- When exporting features, upon completion SonarWiz now opens the Windows file explorer destination folder on the export folder where the output was written.

  9. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Sometimes when moving the mouse into the histogram control that the east-west resize cursor from the client edge of the docking window
    would not be cleared when the mouse moved inside the histogram control. I added a WM_SETCURSOR message map and handler and also set the cursor to the north-south
    resize cursor when its over the sliders.

  10. BUGFIX:WEB:MINOR:GM:0 -- The Web generator was always setting the plan view background image to black making it difficult to view the SBP navigation lines. This has been fixed
    so that the web plan view image is now colored the same as the current SonarWiz plan view image at the time of export.

  11. BUGFIX:BAC:MINOR:GM:0 -- If the batch bottom tracking function was used to track sidescan files, the BAC function would not apply. This was because of a bug in the batch
    bottom tracker that failed to update some statistics in the CSF file.

  12. BUGFIX:DXF:MINOR:GM:4912 -- The sonar contact DXF has been enhanced to use the contact name as the primary text value instead of the description. The contact water depth (if any) has also been added to the DXF.

  13. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:4912 -- The vessel function to set as default vessel and clear default vessel have been fixed. They would fail when the SonarWiz project was on a different
    drive than the \Program Data folder.

  14. BUGFIX:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- XYZ gridder did not respect the negativeDepth check box. This is fixed.

  15. BUGFIX:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Volume/Difference calculations did not launch if the upper surface was a constant and the lower surface was a grid. This is fixed.

  16. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Importing bottom track files, in prior versions, would not cause slant-range correction to use the newly-imported values; this is fixed.

  17. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- In some prior versions, some combinations of end-to-end line flipping, zooming, and scrolling would cause SBP reflectors, features, etc., to be drawn in incorrect positions in the digitizer window; this is fixed.

  18. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- In prior versions, when building thickness reflectors between two polyline reflectors, topo correction was not taken into account, leading to sudden jumps in the thickness border at e.g. sensor depth changes; this is fixed.

  19. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:319 -- Add new Feature Manager DXF Export format that adjusts the digitized reflector Z values by aligning them with a vertical reference datum supplied as a grid file.
    The resulting Z value that is written into the DXF file is the elevation_grid_z - reflector_z - ping_altitude.

  20. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:8140 -- Fixed a bug reading R2S files that allowed out-of-order TruePix/Snippet packets to jam up the processing queue resulting in no bathymetry packets being loaded.

  21. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:8140 -- Fixed a bug preventing interpolation of full-resolution RSS TruePix backscatter

  22. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Improved R2S TruePix images for Beam Detection mode.

  23. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- New bathymetry computation engine is on by default. The new code is introduced in order to better handle recent sonar models with more advanced beam steering options. No user-changes are intended, however, some models with pitch steering will see immediate improvements in bathymetry computations.

  24. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Import sensors from Kongsberg ALL files in VE erroneously swapped the X and Y offset coordinates. This is fixed.

  25. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Web site (and other profile) exports with datum aligned files would draw features in incorrect positions; this is fixed.

Version 6.05.001 23 SEPTEMBER 2016

  1. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:54 -- Implement a new SBP reflector export function compatible with SMT that adds the shot number and a higher procesion time value.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:3148 -- Rev processed bathymetry database table to eliminate unused columns and add some upport for experimental sidescan drawing.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:3148 -- When importing acoustic data files now the acoustic file suffix (e.g. xtf, jsf, sgy etc) is appended to the CSF filename. This allows users
    to import files from say two different systems that used the same filename, for exampl, line001.xtf and line001.rdf.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- The Sonar configuration button on the data acquisition panel now prescans the servers forlder each time it's launched so that servers
    that were installed while SonarWiz was running will be discovered when the dialog is opened.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- The survey line manager Export button now includes an option to export survey lines as GPX route files.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:CONTACTS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The contact manager Export button now includes an option to export sonar contacts as GPX waypoint files.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MAJOR:GM:0 -- Revised the color palette controls. Removed the controls on the Ribbon bar. Converted the gradient legend window to include a histogram control.

  8. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The new water column blanking control for sub-bottomo was only being applied when another gain function was active but users requested
    this function be available all the time.

  9. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- The set cableout button in the mag file manager was not working. Fixed.

  10. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Set the sidescan digitizer image viewer to default to displaying the oldest ping at the bottom of the file.

  11. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Set the default state of the Flip Contact Images check box to TRUE.

  12. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed crash in PTC on launch.

  13. BUGFIX:RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- The Survey Line generator in some instances failed to generate lines using the eficient survey line pattern. Fixed.

  14. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Some JSF imports could result in invalid dates/times being stored in CSF records, hindering further processing steps such as re-export. Known instances of these types of dates/times are corrected now.

  15. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The sidescan & subbottom contact editor windows, in some prior versions, would not restore zoom/scroll positions correctly upon opening a contact; this is fixed.

  16. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Capturing a sidescan contact from the plan view in the last version would fail due to not being able to scroll to the intended CSF row in the waterfall window; this is fixed.

  17. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Two instances of a problem whereby water column blanking to the seafloor would miss the seafloor by a significant margin are fixed.

  18. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Several problems are fixed with the on-the-fly SBP viewer: zooming holds the current position better, scrolling doesn't leave scrolled-away data in the margin area, feature digitization and contact capture work from the correct mouse position.

  19. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Ensure that Reson beam pitch angles are being sent to the database. Also, remove scalar from Reson Packet 7058 intensities (Snippet Backscattering Strength) now that we support floating point amplitudes.

  20. BUGFIX:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Adjusted the sounding placement algorithm for Mean Amplitude Grids so that it works like the other grids (fixes a bug where soundings with no TPU were being rejected)

  21. BUGFIX:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added some defensive code to the Add Grid.. dialog so that only SurferGrid 6 format grids can be added.

Version 6.04.0015 09 SEPTEMBER 2016

  1. ENHANCEMENT:CSF:MINOR:GM:3148 -- Implement a new CSF function for splitting files where the event numbers change from
    zero to non-zero or from non-zero to zero. This function implemented to support AUV file users.

  2. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- When new variables were added to the SystemInfo panel it caused problems for older versions of SonarWiz if a user
    tried to go back to an earlier version of SonarWiz. This is now fixed.

  3. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The header control and the information toolbar buttons on the SystemInfo panel were not active. Fixed.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- To support the new Klein deep tow DT3500 system we've added a new towfish altitude display that will display the height of
    the sonar and optionally the leading depressor in our Towfish Altitude window. The depressor altitude will also trigger altitude alarms in the same way that
    the sidescan and sub-bottom altimeter values do.

  5. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The Info balloon button in several of the display panes caused a crash when pressed. This is now fixed.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:GRID:MINOR:GM0 -- Added Reload and Reload All options to the Project Explorer Grid Popup menus. These reload the grid from the *.grd file.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:XTF:MINOR:GM:75 -- Added new XTF utility to split a dual frequency sidescan XTF file into two separate single frequency XTF files.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:50 -- Add Depressor Altitude to list of variables that can be retransmitted by the Output tool during data acquisition.

  9. ENHANCEMENT:JSF:MINOR:GM:5223 -- When importing JSF SBP files, users may now opt to use the Edgetech CPU time values encoded in the ping or the NMEA time stamp
    values for assigning a time to a sub-bottom ping. This option solves some problems where the Discover software recorded the incorrect date/time in the CPU based time
    stamps. This option has no effect on sidescan or bathy imports.

  10. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM5753 -- Implement independent values for port/starboard sidescan ranges in the Adjust Displayed Range function.

  11. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Modified the Bathy amplitude data to import in dB or any number range as single precision floats. Modified all of the
    Bathy data importers to not scale their data on import.

  12. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:5753 -- Update the Sonar Coverage Report to allow users to base the coverage on the adjusted displayed range and also to consider a user-defined area
    about the nadir as uncovered.

  13. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM0 -- Simplified the bathy Process Backscatter wizard to only ask the user for On/Off settings for the EGN function. Implemented new
    Nadir Filter option for smoothing the transition across nadir. Implemented a new AGC function for bathymetry backscatter. Now EGN can be toggled on or
    off and the Nadir Filter can be operated without running EGN. The parameters that control the EGN function are now read from the database.

  14. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:6468 -- The Up/Down arrow keys for adjusting the UGC gain control were not working for the SBP UGC. This is now fixed.

  15. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:6468 -- The color by depth option for drawing sub-bottom reflectors n the plan view was not considering the sensor depth. That is now fixed.

  16. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:6468 -- The SBP Hardness export function was exporting fathometer depth as the depth value in the CSV file. This has been changed to be the
    sum of the altitude and the sensor depth.

  17. BUGFIX:3D:MINOR:GM:1417 -- Fixed a bug in the 3D WebGL export that caused imported vector maps to dislplay non-transparently.

  18. BUGFIX:GRID:MINOR:GM:0 -- When grids were edited in our 3D grid editor the SonarWiz plan view was not being made aware of the edited grid file. That is now fixed so
    when you edit grids the SonarWiz plan view display is updated immediately after the changes are accepted in the editor.

  19. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- An experimental on-the-fly SBP digitizer is available via a checkbox in the advanced preferences page. Enabling this will cause the SBP digitizer to not pre-build an image file for an entire line when it's opened, enabling larger lines to be digitized.

  20. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The sidescan procesing now includes a new Nadir filter for smoothing the transition across the nadir.

  21. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The sidscan UGC constrols did not operate correctly with the keyboard up/down arrow keys when the sync checkbox was unchecked. Fixed.

  22. EHHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- EGN no longer converts data to relative units, the adjustments are made in native units (dB for calibrated systems, counts for uncalibrated systems).

  23. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Bathy Amplitude filter has been fixed to work with floating point amplitudes

Version 6.04.0014 28 AUGUST 2016

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:NW:0 -- Sped up the Bathy Point drawing by using parallel worker threads. It should be about 10x faster now.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:GRID:MINOR:NW:0 -- Add support for selecting multiple XYZ files for grid creation.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:GRID:MINOR:NW:0 -- Add support for gridding CSF sidescan files to take advantage of amplitude blending algorithms.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:SES:MINOR:NW:0 -- Implement file specific settings for applying an offset to the SIS strings in an Innomar SES file.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:SES:MINOR:NW:0 -- Clamp the heading values loaded from an SES file to a range of 0 to 360.

  6. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:NW:0 -- The NAD27 X and Y columns were reversed in the MMS 2008 anomaly export file. Fixed.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:S7K:MINOR:NW:0 -- Update the Tools->Reson S7K utilities to also work with the Hypack .7K versions of these files.

  8. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:NW:0 -- The Restore factory defaults was not catching all of the files needed to truly restore factory defaults. Fixed.

  9. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:NW:0 -- Bathy filtering was broken a couple of revs back because of file mismatch in our source code control system. This is now fixed.

Version 6.04.0013 29 JULY 2016

  1. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- In some prior versions, SBP bottom tracking could appear to not work due to the image (but not the bottom line) being erronously flipped end-to-end, based on the batch export's "auto-flip SBP based on bearing" feature. The SBP digitizer no longer considers the batch export setting; the setting in the annotation window available from the SBP digitizer (explicit end-to-end flipping, on a per line basis, regardless of bearing) is used.

  2. BUGFIX:ODC:MINOR:GM:0 -- With the new versions of the Syqwest HD format there is no reliable way to detect older version of their different datagrams from newer ones. This version
    we've added more defensive code that uses some brute force logic to detect the older 400 sample StrataBox records from newer HD StrataBox records.

  3. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Changed the way evaluation codes are forgotten so that on the FIRST occurrence of EVALUATION CODE EXPIRED or MAC LIMIT EXCEEDED error, SonarWiz "forgets" the existing evaluation code, and allows you to enter a new evaluation code.

  4. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Some SBP functions such as settings, AGC, UGC, split and trim were disabled when the license did not also include sidescan post-processing. This is now fixed.

Version 6.04.0012 22 JULY 2016

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Extend the Post-processing->Export->Project Reports->Project Summary Report to now generate an additional CSV file summarizing the currently enabled bathymetry files in the project.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- In previous versions it was not possible to disable navigation smoothing entirely. Users could only set the number of pings for course smoothing to a minimum
    value of 3 which applied minimal smoothing. Now users may set the Time Constant for Course Smoothing to 0 and absolutely no navigation smoothing will be applied to the raw file. Errant
    values in the raw file will still be rejected but the navigation will never be smoothed when Time Constant for Course Smoothing is set to zero.

  3. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The XTFATTITUDEDATA packet used by SonarWiz was out of date with the latest XTF file specification. This packet has now been updated to the latest rec of the XTF spec.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:JSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add sound velocity to the spreadsheet exported in Tools->JSF->Extract JSF Navigation data.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:SEGY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add byte selector for the channel number source bytes. Also, add bytes 13-16 "Trace Num in original fldrec" as potential source of shot numbers.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:ODC:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add HD selector to the ODC file specific options dialog to force support for the newer ODC 800 sample/channel files.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added Apply Slope Correction checkbox to the Shaded Relief Ribbon bar and Bathy Shaded Relief Dialog so the user can augment the shading algorithm.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added a "Smooth Palette" check box to the Color Legend Window that allows the user to use non-interpolated color palettes for a stepped look. Modifed the color legend to draw properly with stepped palettes.
    This feature is only valid for Grid data types. The "Smooth Palette" check box is disabled for the Side Scan and Subbottom data types.

  9. ENHANCEMENT:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added support for using Memory Mapped files (MMF) to load grids to save RAM (esp. in the 32bit version) to the CBathyGridRenderer and SurferGrid objects. The CBathyGridRenderer also uses a MMF for a bitmap buffer to render the grid to.

  10. ENHANCEMENT:CSF:MINOR:GM:2158 -- Added new option to extract the CSF file navigation as GPX files.

  11. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed a bug that caused the exported sidescan waterfall images to display the contact symbols and possibly other vector features as if the image was flipped from top to bottom.

  12. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- In some non-English versions of Windows particularly those with multi-byte character sets we fixed a bug that would truncate the parsing of lat/long strings with embedded degree, minutes or seconds symbols.

  13. BUGFIX:JSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed a couple of issues with a 6000+ meter JSF sub-bottom file: a) the allocated sample buffer was too small; b) the number of samples were not decoded correctly when the sample count exceeded 65536.

  14. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The Filter Bathymetry function was always setting the dataset LED to orange after completion. This has been corrected.

  15. BUGFIX:S7K:MINOR:GM:0 -- S7K Packet 1008 Depth values are now stored as pressure depths rather than sonar altitudes to support AUV operations.

  16. BUGFIX:SD:MINOR:GM:0 -- The SD File converter did not correctly create SD files when large groups of SBP files were selected for export. This has been fixed.

  17. BUGFIX:SMB:MINOR:GM:0 -- The PulSAR sidescan SMB file reader has been enhanced to handle what appear to be corruptions in the data file alignment.

Version 6.04.0011 08 JULY 2016

  1. BUGFIX:FEATURES:MINOR:GM:3678 -- In a project where the projection units were US feet, the vertical units from SBP reflectors were output as meters. This has
    been corrected so that the vertical units match the horizontal units.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:FEATURES:MINOR:GM:3678 -- Add checkbox to feature manager DXF export section to scale exported Z values as positive or negative values in the DXF. This was to
    support user exporting features for engineering purposes where below sealevel values needed to be negative.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:TOOLBAR:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add toolbar button to toggle the color legend tool.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- implemented our own Bathy Grid renderering functionality in order to speed up the display of Bathy Grids. Added Shaded Relief Algorithm Type combo box to the Ribbon bar and Bathy Shaded Relief Dialog so the user can choose the Shading algorithm.

  5. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Many SBP file types, when imported with less than 100% of the range mapped, would have problems with bottom tracking, measurements, etc., due to not having the right range/record lengths available; this is fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Klein 3000 SBP SDF files would import as a solid color before; this is fixed.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Mala GPR, Simrad RAW, and Knudsen KBP files, when imported, would keep the source/destination files open for a while after the import process was cancelled; this is fixed.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- After import, if the imported files fit entirely within the existing plan view, a redraw would not be triggered, requiring a manual one before the files would be seen; this is fixed.

  9. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Some Coda SBP files, after import, would not be processable (gain, in particular) due to erronous CSF records written near the beginning of the line; this is fixed.

  10. BUGFIX:JSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- The JSF bathymetry parser was mistakenly assigning the sonar altitude to the antenna height. This is now fixed.

  11. BUGFIX:JSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- The real-time 6205 interface was doubly adding the time to first sample value. This is now corrected.

  12. ENHANCEMENT:SEGY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add new offsets values for selected SEGY trace values in the SEGY file type specific option dialog.

  13. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add new button to File Manager dialog to apply an offset to the mported sensor depth.

  14. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- In some instances, SBP image building in the context of files with less than 100% of range imported or varying ranges/sensor depths/datum separations could fail, potentially crashing the program; this is fixed.

Version 6.04.0010 24 JUNE 2016

  1. ENHANCEMENT:JSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added JSF File Specific option to allow users to scale the sensor depth. Accordng to the Edgetech documentation the sensor
    depth is stored as mm. In a recent AUV customer datset however this value was stored with the correct magnitude but as a negative value. The new scalar allows the data
    set to be correctly positioned vertically.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Initial implementation of external XYZ gridding option in CTIGridProcessor that supports 5 new algorithms including Natural Neighbor
    which works well for spatially sparse data like single beam and magnetometer.

  3. BUGFIX:BATHY:MAJOR:GM:0 -- Fixed a bug in the DrawBathy function that caused the Contacts and GeoTIFF export not to work.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:CSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add initial CSF File hardness export utility only available for sub-bottom CSF files.

  5. BUGFIX:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed a bug where gridding algorithm in the Grid dialog were not properly displayed.

  6. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- When dragging a rectangle to delete bottom track points in the SBP digitizer, expected points would often not be removed, esp. in the presence of sensor depth or datum separation changes; this is fixed.

  7. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- In prior versions, applying a bandpass filter to SBP data would shift the image down; this is fixed.

  8. BUGFIX:RT:MODERATE:GM:0 -- A bug was found that could cause the UI to lock up, esp. in the presence of long-term/fast-incoming navigation data; this is fixed.

  9. BUGFIX:RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- A bug was found that wrote erronous data into the last several fields of the line navigation text file written into the "NAV" directory during recording; this is fixed; zeros are written.

  10. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Deleting a polyline contact from the ribbon menu of the main window would leave the polyline still visible on the plan view, with no way to delete it; this is fixed.

  11. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The SwathPlus SXI and SXP file types which require bathy processing to generate the image correctly have been moved out of the sidescan import dialog and into the bathymetry import dialog.

Version 6.04.0009 10 JUNE 2016

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added support for importing R2Sonic snippet backscatter.

  2. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed a bug working with old 7008 Snippets packets.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:SD:MINOR:GM:1393 -- Implement a new option to export SD files in either latitude longitude or easting and northing.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:SMB:MINOR:NW:0 -- Implement support for importing the GeoAcoustics PulSAR sidescan sonar data stored in the SMB format.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:NW:0 -- Improved the error handling messaged when importing files that do not contain valid navigation or the import data type/channel
    combination so that these messages are standardized across file types.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:IMPORT:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added a file progress counter to the Acoustic File Import dialog. So you can see how many files are left to import instead of guessing.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:ODC:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added a Tools->File Utilities->ODC menu button with a couple of utility functions for dissecting Syqwest ODC files.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:BSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add support for reading in the Specialty Devices Inc (SDI) BSS native sub-bottom files.

  9. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add the display of the acoustic frequency to the SBP File properties dialog. This property is not known for all SBP file types but when we know it we populate it.

  10. BUGFIX:ODC:MINOR:GM:0 -- The HydroBox file auto detection was not working correctly with the newer ODC file format. This is now fixed.

  11. BUGFIX:ODC:MINOR:GM:0 -- ODC channel selection code in the certain Bathy 2010 single frequency ODC files was not right. This is now fixed.

  12. BUGFIX:ODC:MINOR:GM:0 -- The same ODC channel selection fix above was also applied to the ODC 121 zoom records.

  13. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The scaling of SBP profile images where range changes occurred along the length of the file was not being handled correctly. This is fixed.

  14. ENHANCEMENT:BSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add the display of the acoustic frequency to the SBP File properties dialog. This property is not known for all SBP file types but when we know it we populate it.

  15. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- In previous versions SonarWiz generated and extension to the TFW file that was used in other areas of the software. These TFW extensions were eliminated
    a few weeks ago because we did not know that other folks were depending on them. The standard TFW file is still emitted but in addition we also generate a TFWEx file with the primary GeoTiff export that includes
    the extensions that were previously written into the TFW file. The expected impact for most users is nil unless they depend on the TFW extensions in which case they will now be found in the TFWEx file.

  16. ENHANCEMENT:SES:MINOR:GM:0 -- The Innomar (SES) File Type Specific options has now been upgraded to include a set of scalars for each of the 8 import values that are mapped to the SES data string. This change was
    motivated by a customer's SES file where the (southern) hemipshere data was not indicated in the latitude value stored in SES latitude field.

  17. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added support for Hypack 7K binary format used by Hypack (in addition to HSX) when recording Reson and NORBIT sonar data.

  18. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added support for Reson's new Snippet packet 7058 (Snippet Backscattering Strength). Note that SonarWiz cannot yet display backscatter values in dB, so the calibrated backscatter values are rescaled.

  19. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added support for NORBIT wideband multibeam processing, when collected by Hypack.

  20. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Sped up the drawing of the bathmetry navigation plot using parallel SQL DB access using a worker thread pool.

  21. BUGFIX:HSX:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fix memory overwrite bug in Hypack HSX reader when handling 8-bit sidescan data.

  22. BUGFIX:GRID:MINOR:GM:0 -- When interpolating an amplitude grid the new interpolated grid was being in as a bathymetry surface regardless of the actual type. This is now fixed.

  23. BUGFIX:GRID:MINOR:GM:0 -- When adding a grid to a project where we don't know the data type, assume that the data is bathymetry which allows the user to use the depth scale controls. Previously this
    getting set to Unknown type which essentially allowed no use of the color scale tools.

  24. BUGFIX:CONTACTS:MINOR:GM:0 -- When exporting the CSV file for contacts the exporter was using the wrong database column to source the sonar altitude field. This is now fixed.

  25. BUGFIX:SBP_CONTACTS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fix bug that caused a crash to occur when capturing SBP contacts that was introduced in 6.04.0007.

  26. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- When user's make changes to the navigation and attitude dataset using the Bathy Navigation and Attitude editor, those changes were not conveyed to SonarWiz
    and the status icons on each affected dataset was not changed from green to yellow. The BNE has been updated to communicate these changes to SonarWiz.

  27. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The 3D Viewer can now switch between amplitude and bathymetry when displaying 3D XYZA point couds from SonarWiz.

  28. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Features, targets, etc., digitized against sources other than the file currently in the SSS waterfall would shift around when the window is scrolled; this is fixed.

  29. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The SBP digitizer's spectrograph window allows bandpass filter application, and shows the results of the bandpass operation. The bandpass can be applied to the file loaded via the "Apply to File" button. Up to 1024 taps are now allowed.

Version 6.04.0008 27 MAY 2016

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add the ability to export raw bathymetry data as either XYZ(A) or LLZ(A). In the process, we were
    able to remove the explicit Post-processing->Export->Bathymetry Exports->Export Bathymetry XYZA menu becaus this can all be handled by a single dialog now.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add the ability to export a grid as either latitude/longitude or in its native XY projection.

  3. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- An innocuous warning message about "No beam data" has been suppressed. It has no affect on bathy processing and should not have been
    emitted as a scary red message to begin with.

  4. BUGFIX:SSS:MAJOR:NW:4019 -- Fixed the import of Marine Sonic 4 Channel Scout SDS Data (gaps, HF fail to import). Use channel 3&4 to import HF. Use "Fix Small Inter-File Gaps" to fix small gaps between files.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:TOOLS:MAJOR:NW:0 -- Added a new Tools file utility to extract packet information from the Applanix raw (ie .000, .001, .002 etc) files.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:TOOLS:MAJOR:NW:0 -- Added a new Tools file utility to extract an ASCII navigation from the Applanix raw files (ie .000, .001, .002 etc) files using the GRP102 records.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:TOOLS:MAJOR:NW:0 -- Added a new Tools file utility to extract an ASCII file of NMEA messages from the Applanix raw files (ie .000, .001, .002 etc) files using the GRP112 records.

Version 6.04.0007 13 MAY 2016

  1. BUGFIX:BATHY-RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- There was a bug in the bathy logic that provented a "bathy acquisition only" license to fail to create new datasets. This has been fixed.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Projects are now re-opened with the plan view in the same position as when the project was last open.

  3. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- In some circumstances, magnetometer events would not be drawn to the plan view; this is fixed.

  4. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- If a user reset the default sonarwiz project path but did not explicitly save the project at that point the new default project would not persist beyond the next project. This is now fixed.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:SL2:MINOR:GM:0 -- SonarWiz can now import and process the native Lowrance SL2 file format for sidescan and sub-bottom.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:KEB:MINOR:GM:0 -- SonarWiz now supports the Knudsen KEB 'E0' file version.

  7. BUGFIX:SDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add support for processing the Marine Sonic Arc Scout 32-bit SDS file format.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add support importing the Applanix Raw files (.000, .0001, etc) as external navigation files to be used for bathy post-processing. If TrueHeave is available it will be imported.

  9. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- AutoTVG code used to blend the port and starboard gain functions to
    smooth the results, however, when a strong target appeared in one channel the blending resulted in
    a ghost image of the target in the opposite channel. To fix this, channel blending has been
    removed. Now the port and starboard channels are completely independent.

Version 6.04.0006 29 APR 2016 (t1 release internal, aka *_t1 )

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The vertical datum offset function in bathy post-processing will now reproject the bathy sounding position into the
    coordinate system of the vertical datum grid if and only if SonarWiz and the vertical datum grid are using non-equivalent projections. Previously, if a user
    attempted to use a vertical datum grid to adjust the bathymetry this function would fail if the coordinate system of the SonarWiz project and the coordinate
    system of the bathy grid were different.

  2. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Some SEGY files that did not set the trace number within field record (ie channel number) correctly would fail to import into SonarWiz 6. This has been fixed.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- User-supplied polarity settings (in the import dialog for SBP, the advanced preferences page for SSS) are taken into account when choosing to treat samples at import as signed or not.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Annotations by distance in the digitizer window now start at the far left position in the image, instead of at the beginning of the line (the right in end-to-end flipped images).

  5. BUGFIX:MAP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The map manager functions enabling/disabling display of points, lines, etc., in vector maps were not functioning, resulting in all vector features being shown at all times. This is fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The preview function in the SSS import file choosing dialog could lead to crashes when the window was closed. This is fixed.

  7. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The palette colors for the RT/playback waterfall windows were reversing red/blue components, leading to incorrect colors shown. This is fixed.

  8. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Feature ticks from intersecting lines and cores were not taking local sensor depth into account when drawing, resulting in vertical offsets. This is fixed.

  9. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The UI for the Grid Interpolation function has been improved to allow the user to name the output grid and to optionally add to project, open in 3d or open in explorer. The logic should also create an XML metadata file and a PRJ file for these grids.

  10. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- A new Grid Volume function has been implemented that allows the user to create a new grid by comparing either 2 grids or one grid and a constant level surface.

  11. BUGFIX:CODA:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add support for Coda file format recording of 24-bit GeoAcoustics DSSS sidescan.

  12. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Issue warning rather than crash program when the channel number of a ping does not match a configured device in the vessel.

  13. BUGFIX:JSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- Auto linear TVG (beta), available in the JSF import options page, in prior versions, could suddenly drop all gains to zero in the presence of data with low amplitude in the far range, zeroing any import after that point; this is fixed.

  14. BUGFIX:JSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- Auto linear TVG (beta), available in the JSF import options page, in prior versions, was not considering enough sample points in adjusting gains; this is fixed.

  15. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The SBP waterfall views can now draw the bottom trace during playback/RT.

  16. BUGFIX:JSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- Bipolar real data imported from complex format JSF with "auto JSF scalar" enabled would lose its sign; this is fixed.

  17. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- In some prior versions, bathymetry and backscatter data and corresponding grids would not have their palettes adjusted (when in scaled to data mode), adjusted correctly, or be redrawn after bathy files or grids were enabled or disabled; this is fixed.

  18. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- In some prior versions, loaded grids would not have their palettes scaled correctly when the palette range was specified by the user; this is fixed.

  19. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Plan view and digitizer user-defined palette scaling was available in the depth window before, but didn't work properly; these controls work now; the "min" value corresponds to the percentage of the data range at which the palette will start, and "max" corresponds to the percentage of the data range at which the palette will end. 0/100 is scaled normally, 50/100 would set all colors having amplitude less than half the maximum to the minimum color, 0/50 would set all colors having amplitude more than half the maximum to the maximum color.

  20. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Post-processing SBP TVG, in prior versions, had two control sliders that would adjust the gain at the top and bottom of the single-channel image; there is one slider now to control the TVG intensity for the whole channel.

  21. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Post-processing SBP TVG, in prior versions, would show a different, erronous, slider position upon subsequent invocations of the gain window; this is fixed.

  22. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- In some cases in the prior version, user-defined polarity was not honored at import time; these are honored now.

  23. BUGFIX:XTF|SEGY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The XTF/SegY update tools and XTF export tool, in prior versions, could fail to cancel when requested, leading to the inability to restart the tools; this is fixed.

  24. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The image preview available from the SSS import dialog now matches the requested import samples per channel setting from the "Advanced Settings..." button available in the import dialog.

Version 6.04.0005 08 APR 2016 (t1 release internal, aka *_t1 )

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Finish implementation of Grid Interpolator.
    (2.) BUGFIX:WEBGL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The WebGL application was not working correctly on x86 installations. This is now fixed.
    (3.) BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The ProjectMover utility was not working in the x64 build. This is now fixed.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- A new logbook entry has been added to the data acquisition tab to allow users to make time/position stamped annotations as the survey progresses.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- New bipolar color palettes have been added to support the rendering of positive and negative portions of the sub-bottom profiler waveform.

// T1 Testing found these...
6. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed a bug with the dual channel bottom tracking that manifested using these steps: A) With the Track Port+Stbd option enabled, clear the bottom track; B) manually insert points on port
side and then C) manually insert points on starboard side. This would cause the port side points to be cleared back to the original state when the first starboard point was inserted. This is now fixed.

(2) and (3) are fixed in the JAZZROS 4/8/2016 binaries, but these were not included in the *_t1 test item in ISS step.
7. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Write depth values as negative numbers option is fixed in new Grid dialog.
8. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed a bug in the SS bottom tracker related to the way that offsets were handled between channels.
9. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed a bug calculating the transducer depth during TPU calculations, much more accurate for AUV platforms.
10. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- BathySwath processed bathy format (SXP) now tracks the depth of the transducer to improve slant range calculations.
11. ENHANCMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added support for BathySwath SXI formatted files in vessel editor.
12. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Depth blend parameter settings were being ignored in favor of default values, this is fixed.
13. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Kongsberg All format pre-processed bathy packets (XYZ88 and Depth) now track the depth of the transducer to improve slant range calculations.
14. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Kongsberg All format Raw Range and Angle (78) packet now populates the beam auxiliary table for improved backscatter and cube computations.
15. ENHANCMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add position source selector for Kongsberg All format. Kongsberg files can contain up to 3 position sources. This new control provides
the user with a way to control which source is actually used.
16. ENHANCMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add position source to the Kongsberg All file utility Extract Packet Details.
17. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Introduction of code to support pitch steering in March 2016 caused some file readers to mis-assign amplitude and beam flagging variables during import, this
is fixed. Users need to re-import data to fix.
18. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Previously, some projection files were written out with LF-only newlines; all are written with CR/LF now.
19. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Some exported images were not written with transparency when requested; this is fixed.
20. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- TIFF export compression was not enabled when it should have been in prior versions; this is fixed.
21. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- GeoImages loaded into a project's maps would previously not be drawable in some circumstances, such as being disabled at project load time, leading to enabling/disabling them through the file explorer seemingly having no effect; this is fixed.
22. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Exported tiles in some prior versions would sometimes have the background color set to something other than what was chosen in the export dialog; this is fixed.

Version 6.04.0004 01 APR 2016

  1. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- The real-time magnetometer recording was not resetting the record number from file to file. This is now fixed.

  2. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- The magnetometer file template for post-processing mag data was out of date. It's been corrected and named SonarWiz-Default-MAG.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:SDF:GM:0 -- The Klein SDF bathymetry options now have a new Quality Threshold slider that controls how 'good' a bathy sample must be before its accepted.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:GM:7387 -- We've added support for the Kongsberg Depth 0x44 packet in bathymetry files to support the M3 sonar.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:GM:0 -- Added transducerDepthM to the BeamAuxData table to allow for more accurate beam footprint size calculations when bathy sonars are mounted on AUVs.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:NAV:GM:0 -- Some customers have requested the ability to record just navigation without any sonar or other sensors enabled. This version now supports that
    when the Advanced Preferences dialog checkbox labeled "Enable recording of navigation data when no sonar is present" is checked.

  7. BUGFIX:BATHY:GM:0 -- Kongsberg Angle and Range packet flagging is now updated.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:GM:7387 -- Added support for Kongsberg M3 sonar.

  9. BUGFIX:BATHY:GM:7390 -- XTF reader was flagging all beams bad. This is fixed.

Version 6.04.0003 25 MAR 2016

  1. ENHANCEMENT:HSX:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add the ability to read Hypack HSX bathy files with RMB records stored in take off angle and direction angle mode.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:JSF:MINOR:GM:2765 -- Add new utility to extract the JSF NMEA time, position and heading packet info.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:2765 -- The SBP Reflector AutoChart export has been changed to only show the difference between altitude and the picked Z value instead
    of the total water depth.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:JSF:MINOR:GM:2765 -- A new option has been added for the selection of the heading value when importing Edgetech JSF files containing NMEA packets. Users
    may now choose between the heading supplied in an HDT datagram and the course supplied in a VTG datagram.

  5. BUGFIX:x64:MINOR:GM:0 -- The x64 distribution was missing Ltimgclrx.dll. This ws causing a crash in the 64-bit product when users tried to use the Gamma Correction tool in the contact editor. Fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:NAV:MINOR:GM:0 -- The ZEdit navigation utility was not correctly signaling the SonarWiz app after changes were made to the navigation data. This is now corrected.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:ZEDIT:MINOR:GM:0 -- The ZEdit navigation utility now exits after saving CSF files with changed navigation to prevent file contention with SonarWiz.

Version 6.04.0002 0115 MAR 2016

  1. ENHANCEMENT:XTF:MINOR:GM:2765 -- When exporting a sidescan file to XTF format and the user has applied a rotation value to the port and/or staboard channels write
    the rotated port heading value to the XTF ShipsGyro field and the starboad heading value to the SensorHeading field.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- When adding tide and sound velocity files to a project the files re also copied to the local project folders.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add applied heading rotation angle to CSF file proerties dialog and to project summary report.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:XTF:MINOR:GM:0 -- When exporting CSF to XTF, if the user checks the "Only process files with headng offset", then SonarWiz will now only export those files
    with heading offsets AND where the offset value on the port and starboard channels are the same.

  5. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- On first time installs the shaded relief settings on the Bathymetry ribbon were all set to zero. Those default values are now correctly initialized.

  6. BUGFIX:GRID:MINOR:GM:0 -- On prior versions, multiple copies of the same grid could be added to a project, resulting in strange behaviors such as, e.g., grids still being visible in the plan view even though they've been disabled in the explorer tree. This is fixed.

Version 6.04.0001 05 MAR 2016

  1. ENHANCEMENT:x64:MINOR:GM:o -- First release of new x86 and x64 3D and bathy tools based on MonoGame and DirectX.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- Updated CoverageReportGen to 64-bits. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions now write to more modern Excel XLSX formats for reports.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- Updated MagReportGen to 64-bits. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions now write to more modern Excel XLSX formats for reports.

  4. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:3738 -- Fixed some bugs in the SBP Datum Align function to provide better alignment between SBP seafloor and 3D reference surface.

  5. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:486 -- Fixed a bug in the Export Mosaic as Tiles function that occasionally left gaps in the middle of the tiles.

  6. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:6093 -- Fixed a bug in the Contact Save As GeoTiff function to provide better reprojection. Maybe more work later after this initial fix.

  7. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:4117 -- Fixed a bug in calculating the beam pointing angle in Kongsberg ALL files, which appeared as heading mirror-images from what was expected.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- When an attempt is made to re-open the same project, the prompt to revert the project (yes) or save and re-open (no) now has a cancel choice that will leave the current project open as-is.

  9. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The "scale from standard deviation to Confidence Interval.." values for trimmed median and mean grid types are now persisted and used by the gridder; in prior versions they would always take on default values regardless of what was chosen in the advanced gridding options dialog.

  10. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Start and end taper portions for the blended amplitude grid type are now constrained within 0.0 .. 1.0, with the end value required to be greater than the start value.

  11. ENHANCEMENT:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- PDF MAG Anomaly reports are now available again in the MAG Anomaly Report dialog.

  12. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The cutoff angle filter for bathy processing is now defaulted to OFF for new projects.

  13. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- When using the Next or Previous buttons to cycle through the SSS, SBP or MAG files, there is now a popup message box that tells you when you are wrapping around to
    the first file or the last file in the list. Several users have requested this feature to inform them when they had reached the end. If you don't want this popup you
    can disable it by using the "Don't show this again" checkbox the first time you see it. There are 3 separate settings for SS, SBP and MAG so you can have the wrap around
    popup in some data types and supress it in other data types.

  14. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:4117 -- When processing Kongsberg ALL files users may now choose whether to process the XYZ_88 packet or process the Raw Range and Beam Angle packet 78.

Version 6.03.0003 26 FEB 2016

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Now when importing ALL files as bathy, SV files will automatically be generated and stored into the SVP folder of the project.

  2. BUGFIX:x64:MINOR:GM:0-- Several of the SEGY utilities, Coverage Report Generator and Mag Report Generator were not working in the x64 build. They are now.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:x64:MINOR:GM:0-- NavInjectorPro, ZEdit, SEGYDatumShifter and XTFDatumShifter are now distributed as 64-bit apps in the 64-bit distribution.

  4. BUGFIX:CONTACTS:MINOR:GM:0-- Some incremental improvements have been made in the contact image GeoTiff Export utility. There is still more work to be done here but some of the skewed GeoTiff images should be better projected now.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0-- Add new option for exporting ampltude grids using the Inverse Distance Weighted method to fill in holes in the grid.

Version 6.03.0002 19 FEB 2016

  1. ENHANCEMENT:RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add support for NMEA HDG heading message

  2. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:7058 -- HSX file import will now reset negative intensity values to zero.

  3. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Bathy Amplitude Filter will now filter out all samples with amp exactly zero regardless of the threshold setting.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added support for Kongsberg EM302 multibeam.

  5. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Was not detecting range changes when importing SSS from HSX files. Bug was introduced in 6.03.001. This is fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The export bathy XYZ function was not working. Fixed.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added next Post-processing->Bathy Exports->Export Bathy XYZA function.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added support for SwathPlus sxp format

  9. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added IDW grid algorithm for Amplitude data

Version 6.03.0001 12 FEB 2016

  1. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The raw and formatted navigation logging was not working correctly when the incoming navigation was arriving on a UDP port.

  2. BUGFIX:x64:MINOR:GM:0 -- The real-time bathymetry displays (3DViewer and HelmDisplay) were not working correctly in the x64 build. This is now fixed.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Exporting contacts now opens the windows file explorer on the location of the exported file.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Exporting CSF to CSV now automatically opens the windows file explorer on the location of the last converted file.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:3871 -- When user toggles an SBP intersection that intersection was toggled in the plan view but not the profile view. That is now fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:7058 -- Enahnced HSX file import code to support more combinations of single and dual-channel sidescan and bathymetry systems (includes fixes for dual-head R2Sonic crash on TruePix)

Version 6.02.0012 05 FEB 2016

  1. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The SBP gain application option for apply at detected seafloor or apply at time zero was not working correctlt. This is now fixed.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add new option to SBP gain settings dialog to allow users to blank the water column independent of whether the gain application started at time zero or at the seabed.

  3. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- On some GeoTiff exports the pixel dimension was allowed to become non-orthogonal. This has been corrected so that all GeoTiff images will have square pixels.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:x64:MINOR:GM:0 -- Update the main window title bar text to indicate whether the current version is the x86 or the x64 build.

  5. BUGFIX:x64:MINOR:GM:0 -- The real-time navigation processing was not working correctly in the x64 beta build when the navigation arrived via a sonar interface. This is now fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:x64:MINOR:GM:0 -- The time out message box that is used to alert the user when a drop in the real-time navigation or sonar data occurs was not compatible with the x64 build. This is now fixed.

  7. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Bathy files drawn in navigation plot mode on the plan view would draw a straight line from the end of the track line back to the beginning; this is fixed.

  8. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The grid information dialog would list grid elevations and pixel sizes in meters, regardless of the project unit setting; this is fixed.

  9. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Many grid types would draw with different colors than expected (vs. bathymetry, backscatter, or palette setup) when the project unit was anything other than meters; this is fixed.

  10. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Deleting contacts from prior versions through the popup menus on the explorer tree or plan view would not cause the contacts to be removed from the explorer tree; interaction with contacts in the explorer tree in that state led to various problematic behavior, including crashes; this is fixed.

  11. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Contact markers on exported GeoTiffs through the contact manager could be mis-positioned; this is fixed.

  12. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Image exports involving tiles being stitched together into one large image could sometimes show unwanted "grid lines" at stitching locations; this is fixed.

  13. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- In some prior versions, an error message like "ERROR: Begin transaction failed (CCSFExtension::BeginTransaction)" could be shown in the output window in red, even in the absence of any actual problem; this is fixed.

  14. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The platform heading from external Applanix SBET navigation files was not being calculated properly, this is fixed.

  15. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Hypothesis strength and count grids added to the project via the right-click menu from the Grids node in the explorer tree would have their types (standard deviation and density, respectively) detected incorrectly as depth; this is fixed.

Version 6.02.0011 29 JAN 2016

  1. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The SBP feature "split" command, in prior versions, would not assign the newly-created feature a new identifier, resulting in the new feature and the one it was split from being treated the same in some circumstances, such as when batch-building thickness reflectors. This is fixed.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- When batch-building thickness reflectors, the "varying" (i.e. non-seafloor) reflector provides the drawing attributes (line thickness, color, etc.) of the created thickness features.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Set the default state of the bathymetry filter for cut-off angle to OFF.

  4. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:2158 -- Tide/SV manager AUTO selection of NEAREST DISTANCE now selects closest sound-velocity profile for your bathy line, using distance between the SV cast, and the center of your bathy line navigation position

Version 6.02.0010 22 JAN 2016

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Initial implementation of Imagenex DeltaT bathy processing.

  2. BUGFIX:X64:MINOR:GM:0 -- The magnetometer editor window toolbar was not loading correctly in the x64 build. This now fixed.

  3. BUGFIX:X64:MINOR:GM:0 -- The sidescan waterfall digitizer window toolbar was not loading correctly in the x64 build. This now fixed.

  4. BUGFIX:X64:MINOR:GM:0 -- The communication between SonarWiz and the vessel editor, bathymetry area editor and bathymetry swath editors was not
    working in the x64 build. This is now fixed.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:NW:3738 -- Support for importing and processing Hypack sidescan records (RSS) as bathymetry amplitudes. Hypack will sometimes
    store high resolution MBES amplitude data in this format such as R2Sonic TruePix, Reson Snippets, and other MBES Sidescan traces.

  6. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Threshold sniffing of sidescan backscatter values was not detecting the bytes per sample correctly from HSX files using 16-bit amplitudes.

  7. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Sound Velocity Profile depth and speed are now properly re-scaled in projects using non-metric distance units.

  8. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Tides heights are now properly re-scaled in projects using non-metric distance units.

  9. ENHANCEMENT:83P:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add new button to Tools->File Utilities to extract the navigation and other values from the Imagenex Delta T 83P files.

  10. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- In some prior versions, drawing attributes for features could be mangled when loaded from the registry, resulting in drawing artifacts, incorrect fonts and colors, etc. This is fixed. PL6303 & PL7165.

  11. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:4868 -- In versions 6.02.0001 - 6.02.0009, GeoImage export had stalled (never finished), or reported error 8 (export incomplete), for several users. One particular cause of this was not having a bathymetry post-processing license, so this issue was more easily detected by sidescan license users, for example. Developers put multiple fixes in place to get this working again, for all users, no matter what licensed features they have.

Version 6.02.0009 15 JAN 2016

  1. BUGFIX:CODA:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fix several issues in processing dual frequency CODA sidescan files where the LF data was stored in higher channel numbers. The testing for frequency is now
    more deterministic in that SonarWiz now uses the frequency value in the ping record instead of the index of the channel number.

  2. BUGFIX:CODA:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fix crash problem in CODA file reader caused by changes to TVG several months ago.

  3. BUGFIX:CODA:MINOR:GM:0 -- The CODA sidescan properties page now reports the correct sonar frequency instead of reporting "unknown".

  4. ENHANCEMENT:GPR:MINOR:NW:1663 -- Implement direct file support for reading Mala Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) files as sub-bottom profiler data.

Version 6.02.0008 11 JAN 2016

  1. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fix crash problem on viewing long SBP files.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Implement new Reset all filters flag option. Manually flagged points remain flagged through subsequent merges.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:3300 -- MML file is now backed up to BACKUPS folder in a circular-queue type naming, where a configurable (default=10) number of previous-session MML files are saved. This will dramatically improve project recovery capabilities, when an MML-file-loss occurs.

  4. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- On some prior releases, AutoTVG on import produced substantially worse results than it should have; this is fixed.

  5. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Some (all?) CSF files created from HSX imports would report the size of their source acoustic file as ~4GB; this is fixed.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:3738 -- When points are rejected in the bathymetry editors they are now also rejected on subsequent merge operations.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The downsampling option for bathymetry has been updated to exclude the average method. Now only median downsampling is supported.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The RawSonar table in the bathymetry datasets has been revved to add a 32-bit status flag value that is parallel with the processed samples. Now, when a processed sample
    is marked for rejection or filtering, the reason for this action will now be stored in the raw samples

  9. BUGFIX:SDF:MINOR:GM:5422 -- Fixed bug in the SDF reader that failed to recognize SDF files where the very first record was a 5903 or 5911 bathymetry page.

  10. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added new filter settings to selectively remove bathy points that have been flagged a) by an automated filter function, b) manually or c) by the manufacturer.

  11. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Manual-mode gain now allows for an arbitrary number of user-selectable points. Click to add a point. The delete key deletes selected points. The mouse wheel zooms the graph in and out and right-clicking and dragging pans it. A "<- ..." button between the manual & TVG radio buttons will build a manual gain curve from the current TVG parameters, after prompting for a point count to use.

  12. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Downsampling filter and density filter have now been modified to be one-shot filter functions meaning that once they are executed on a dataset the filters are turned off on the next merge or filter operation.

Version 6.02.0007 18 DEC 2015

  1. BUGFIX:SEGY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Real-time recording of SEGY files was writing the number of samples into the binary header bit not the trace header. This is now fixed.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add additional detail information to the individual bathymetry file properties report.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:5967 -- When processing towed bathymetry systems such as the C3D, SonarWiz now makes the sensor depth value available for pressure depth processing.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:JSF:MINOR:GM:5325 -- If a JSF pressure packet contains valid pressure but not a computed depth then use a simple formula below to compute depth from pressure.

  5. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- The magnetometer file import dialog was not initialized with the correct import geodesy. That is now fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:SES:MINOR:GM:0 -- Removed the inadvertant error message that happened at normal EOF processing on Innormar SES files.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Implement new communication channel between SonarWiz and bathy editors to allow editors to know when merging etc has started and completed.

  8. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Prior versions had two memory leaks and an allocation alignment problem that could lead to crashes during or after (generally heavy) use of the SBP digitizer; these are fixed.

  9. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Two bugs were fixed that could cause crashing during drawing in prior versions, most often on fast machines.

  10. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Exporting user-generated tiles automatically cancelled now if zero tiles are generated by the settings.

  11. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Exporting user-generated tiles takes bathy data into account when building the tile map now; prior versions would report zero tiles for an all-bathy project.

  12. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- A bug was fixed that could cause the map window to become permanently invisible after a tile export.

Version 6.02.0006 11 DEC 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:5317 -- The Klein SDF bathymetry record for the 5911 packet has now been added to the bathymetry processing.

  2. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed the tools > R2S packet sniffer when reading packets collected by Hypack.

  3. BUGFIX:SES:MINOR:GM:0 -- The SES sidescan importer was not handling the range and sample data correctly. Fixed.

  4. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- In some prior versions, TVG/UGC was erronously scaled against the detected bottom, leading to gain settings following the bottom track; this is fixed. Likely fix for PL7055.

Version 6.02.0005 3 DEC 2015

  1. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:7030 -- SonarWiz now properly reports why merge fails if the sonar time doesn't overlap with the attitude and position time records.

  2. BUGFIX:SES:MINOR:GM:0 -- The Innomar SES subbottom file reader was not storing the acoustic file name inside the CSF file causing some confusion in the reflector processing and other areas. Fixed.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- When bottom tracking SBP files the tracker was running against the raw imported data without the benefit of a band pass filter if one was applied. Now,
    if a user has configured a band pass filter that filter will be applied before running the bottom detection algorithm. Result is that the tracker works MUCH better on boomer and sparker data when band-pass is needed.

  4. BUGFIX:SES:MINOR:GM:0 -- The Innomar SES subbottom file reader was inverting the sign of the heave so it was out of phase with the data. This is now fixed.

  5. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The Make Others Like This dialog was not applying the start point (Time Zero or Seabed) correctly when AGC was applied. This is now fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- After importing an existing bottom track on an SBP file that been previously tracked the bold text on the File Explorer was left in normal state. The same issue
    also caused the Make Reflector from Bottom Track option to be disabled after a valid bottom track had been imported. Both are now fixed.

Version 6.02.0004A 29 NOV 2015

  1. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- EMA Expiration check removed for evaluation users.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:JSF:MINOR:GM:2765 -- When JSF files are imported and the options are set to use the NMEA position source, SonarWiz now pre-loads all of the JSF NMEA
    records first. Then a second pass is made through the JSF file to interpolate the NMEA position to the sonar ping time.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added sonar definitions for R2Sonic 2020 Dual Head and Reson 7111 MBES systems.

  4. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- External Navigation File processing was not working correctly. This has now been updated and fixed.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:HSX:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added new options to allow users to choose the source of backscatter when processing the bathymetry records from HSX files. The default is to
    use the backscatter included in the HSX packet. The new option is to merge in the backscatter from the RSS (sidescan) record.

Version 6.02.0003A 21 NOV 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The Process Backscatter function no longer needs the last three values in the settings dialog and they have been eliminated.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:1393 -- Add option to the CSF to SEGY export dialog to allow user to control the value that gets written into bytes 61-64 of the SEGY trace header.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add ping number to SEGY Navigation Extraction utility.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Replaced the PTC angle computation algorithms with our mainline bathymetry computation engine. Results should be more accurate and less prone to failures.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Area editor now uses the new gridding engine under the hood.

  6. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Scrolling bottom-tracking, digitizing, and SSS import preview windows via mouse wheel causes the window to move a reasonable distance again.

  7. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- With the bathy ribbon tab active, bathy processing (merging, filtering, pyramid building) would sometimes be cut short; this is fixed.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Changes to merge/filter settings, setting the processing status of bathy datasets back to yellow, no longer force bathy datasets to be drawn in navigation mode on the plan view; the last processed data available is drawn.

  9. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Drawing via pyramids (in the bathymetry page of the options dialog) now correctly takes into account the enabled/disabled state of bathymetry datasets.

  10. ENHANCEMENT:UTILITIES:GM:5768 -- SEGReTime, SEGRePing, SEGYAggregator and other utilities which were not available licensed by network dongle, or free trial licenses, are now supported, thanks to 2 users who suggested this enhancement.

  11. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- EMA expiring soon (yellow) and Expired (Red) messages will now remind the used to renew the EMA. Optional display of message may be disabled using "do not show me again" checkbox.

Version 6.02.0002 13 NOV 2015

  1. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fix crashing bug in new graphics library observed when SBP profile windows were open.

  2. BUGFIX:RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fix potential bug in the file stop recording logic that may have lead to a crash.

  3. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The local UTC time display preference was not being saved and recalled correctly. Fixed.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The old .NET gridder has been replaced in favor of a faster and more capable gridding engine. The default
    setting for the gridder on new projects will be set to the 64-bit gridder when running SonarWiz on a 64-bit OS.

Version 6.02.0001 06 NOV 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Upgrade to latest version of LeadTools image processing libraries. Users shouldn't notice any difference here but
    this step is on our path to 64-bit SonarWiz.

  2. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The tool tip for the Patch Test button on the Bathy ribbon contained the incorrect text. This is fixed.

  3. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:5909 -- Improved the way that SEGY files are exported from CSF so that JSF files with variable samples per ping will export a fixed length SEGY trace.

  4. BUGFIX:RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- The new off track audible alarm did not correctly initialize its wave file. This has been fixed.

  5. BUGFIX:RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- The alternate data path configured by the user in the File Preferences window was not always used by the logger. This has been fixed.
    This area was also cleaned up and standardized with respect to the way the data logging path is used to record sidescan and sub-bottom files. Sidescan files are
    now stored in the SSS sub-folder of the data logging path set up by the user. Sidescan files were previously logged into the XTF sub-folder but now with the servers
    logging of some raw data the data may be logged in formats other than XTF so it seemed appropriate to rename the sub-folder. Sub-bottom files are still logged in the
    SBP folder of the project. The only change here is when multiple (SSS & SSS) servers are active at the same time the SEGY file will now be written into the SEGY folder.
    Previously, when multiple servers were active the SEGY file was written into the XTF file folder. No changes were made to the bathy file recording.

Version 6.01.0033 30 OCT 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:NW:1579 -- Finished implementation of new Tide/SV Manager that allow users to quickly manually or automatically assign, verify and report on
    tide and sound velocity files for bathy post-processing

  2. BUGFIX:JSF:MINOR:GM:5176 -- When importing multiple files and using the NMEA time override option for JSF sub-bottom files the import function would fail to
    generate the correct time correction. This is now fixed.

  3. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Minimum depth parameter is now implemented in all gridding algorithms

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- CUBE algorithm now works in projects with map units other than meters.

  5. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Sonar-calculated horizontal and vertical uncertainty was passed to gridder as standard deviations not variance, resulting in underestimation of final position error.

Version 6.01.0032 23 OCT 2015

  1. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- IHO Error model now properly calculates uncertainty for IHO Orders above Special. This was broken in prior releases.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- New Grider now has Advanced Properties dialog to control gridding algorithms

  3. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Cube algorithm has new median prefilter capability to remove outliers from nodes before gridding

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Introducing Beta support for Reson multibeam systems recorded in Hypack using the HSX+7K file format (not fully tested)

  5. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Preliminary release of Tide SV Manager window to allow finer control over tide and SV file selection. More on this next week.

  6. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:1039 -- The target editor was not saving the zoom level correctly after the editor was closed. This is fixed.

  7. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed WeblGL/PDF export for Level of Detail (LOD) grids in 3D Viewer.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- In the 3DViewer it's now possible to select and delete multiple items in scene by selecting their respective group.

  9. EHHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- IDW now has quadrant restrictions to interpolation (to prevent extrapolation).

Version 6.01.0031 16 OCT 2015

  1. BUGFIX:JSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- The JSF NMEA time stamp option introduced a couple of weeks ago did not handle the case where the sonar ping arrived after the first ZDA message. Now fixed.

  2. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Previously, bathy merging in the presence of non-enabled tide files could cause the wrong/no tide file to be chosen, resulting in an incorrect/failed merge; this is fixed.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- GeoSwath RDF/RFF file formats now support CUBE processing

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Reson S7K formats now support floating point amplitude

  5. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- EGN now returns relative amplitudes as a percentage of mean amplitude, no longer applys histogram expansion.

  6. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The "audible altitude alarm" and "SS/SB/both" settings for the altitude window were not loading correctly in prior versions, defaulting to "off" and "SS only", respectively; this is fixed.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:NAV:MINOR:GM:0 -- Visible and audible alarms are now available based on deviation from the currently selected survey line to steer. They are enabled/disabled through the advanced preferences page, and each alarm has an associated distance away from the survey line which will trigger the alarm. The visible alarm manifests as a brief color change in the left/right steering indicator window.

Version 6.01.0030 09 OCT 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The SBP QuickView3D function was not generating PRJ files for the intersection components. This would cause the 3D Viewer to
    prompt the user for the projection information. This QuickView3D function has been updated to now generate the PRJ files automatically.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Updated RFF (GeoSwath) file reader to support CUBE processing,.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Updated RFF (GeoSwath) file reader to converte raw amplitude values into logrithmic values (dB?).

  4. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Attempting to merge or filter a dataset without a vessel will now exit with an error message instead of crashing program.

  5. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Merge and filter settings are properly stored in database again for subsequent invocations.

Version 6.01.0029 02 OCT 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:SDF:MINOR:GM:0 -- Implement a new Tools->SDF Build packet counter utility for SDF files.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:SDF:MINOR:GM:0 -- Implement a new Tools->SDF File Filtering utility that generates a new set of lean SDF files without the
    raw data packets used for techical analysis. This typically shrinks the files by more than 10X.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:SDF:MINOR:GM:0 -- Implement some new controls in the Klein SDF File Specific Options dialog for choosing which sidescan packets
    to process during import.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The experimental bathy waterfall window now allows for toggling the display between depth and backscatter data.

  5. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- A bug that could cause a crash during the deletion of multiple files from the project was fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Certain preferences, such as the downsampling method used for import & playback, would not previously be applied immediately upon closing the preferences window; this is fixed.

  7. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- A bug that could cause a freeze during drawing of a tightly-zoomed plan view was fixed.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Arrows drawn on plan view track lines and perimeters to show direction and differentiate port/starboard have more accurate headings, and, for perimeters, have more reasonable minimum distance between them.

  9. ENHANCEMENT:SES:MINOR:GM:0 -- The SES sub-bttom importer has been improved to tolerate some errant values in time and position before giving up no the loading process.

Version 6.01.0028 25 SEP 2015

  1. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- In recent versions, the BAC gain algorithm was not adjusting the port side of sidescan files correctly; this is fixed.

  2. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- With both channels independently bottom-tracked, the auto-TVG and UGC/TVG gain functions could apply gain to one channel based on altitude information from the opposite channel; this is fixed.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Implement a Zoom To function for features and contacts.

  4. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Building survey lines within a closed polygon, or clipping lines to a polygon could cause a crash; this is fixed.

  5. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Closing the program after having deleted survey lines could in some circumstances cause a crash; this is fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- In prior versions, the coverage report could be built considering the wrong number/enablement of sidescan files if the checkbox in the coverage report window was changed; this is fixed. Further, the ability to consider only enabled files is removed (i.e., the checkbox in the window is disabled) for projects that have only disabled files available.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:1579 -- The tide and sound velocity files used in a merge operation are now listed in the properties dialog for each dataset.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:XTF:MINOR:GM:0 -- Implement a new XTF utility that sumarrizes and counts all of the XTF record types in an XTF files and builds a CSV text file.

  9. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fix time initialization bug that caused bathy XTF files that did not also contains sidescan packets to fail to import the bathy data correctly.

  10. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:2765 -- Implement a new SBP Reflector export format for AutoCAD AutoChart.

  11. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Some functions, such as rubber sheeting and dual-channel bottom tracking, when used against projects created with earlier versions of SonarWiz, might not work properly; this is fixed.

  12. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Dual-channel bottom tracking for SSS files would previously not remember the interpolated/manual designation of bottom points for each side; this is fixed.

  13. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Track lines and perimeters with arrows drawn around sonar/bathy files in the plan view now have arrows that are more representative of the course nearby.

  14. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added IDW gridding algorithm to new 64-bit gridder.

Version 6.01.0027 18 SEP 2015

  1. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed bug that caused the simple IHO Error model to crash the merge process.

  2. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed bug in tide processing involving waterline height and position sensor Z offset.

  3. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed bug in 32/64-bit grid setup dialog that modulo'd the grid coordinates multiple times.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:5176 -- Some very old AUV JSF files did not contain a valid date and time stamp on the sonar ping. These same files
    also did not contain a valid sensor depth. To support theis customer we have added an option use the ZDA and DPT NMEA packets found in the JSF file
    to override the errant values found in thhe tye 80 sonar ping record. The new option is a check box in the JSF file specific
    options dialog labeled: "Override the sonar date/time/sensor depth with NMEA values".

  5. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The signal trace window in the SBP digitizer would often show the signal cut off at the high end; this is fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Opening a sidescan line in the bottom tracker would not always cause the entry in the file explorer dialog to appear bold, indicating that it had been viewed in the bottom trackr; this is fixed.

  7. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- In the absence of an INI file (e.g., at initial install), several default settings (bathy drawing, SBP navigation plot mode, navigation plot colors) would not be correct upon opening/creating a project; this is fixed.

  8. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The sonar contact attribute "Avoid" was not being output to the exported CSV format. This is now fixed.

Version 6.01.0026 04 SEP 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Rev the project DB to support the SonarProperties table which will contain parameters needed for CUBE processing.

  2. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The new FSI SBP Server dongle code was not recognizing the FSI ChirpCeriver as an SBP device.

  3. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed bug in amplitude blend gridder that was not trimming lines correctly for dual-channel sonars.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- First release of full cube error atribution models for CUBE processing.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Increased the max time out record length for SBP servers to 16 seconds to support the FSI ChirpCEIVER server in very deep water.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- A preliminary bathy waterfall preview is available through the last menu item in the context menu shown when right-clicking on a bathy dataset.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The "Scale to loaded data" option for bathymetry and backscatter palettes can now be used if grids of the associated type are loaded, even if no datasets exist. Allowable ranges are taken from enabled grids and datasets together.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Implement a line thickness and line color control on the sidescan Navigation Plot Mode drawing menu button like we have for SBP data.

  9. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Implement a line thickness and line color control on the bathymetry Navigation Plot Mode drawing menu button like we have for SBP data.

Version 6.01.0025 28 AUG 2015

  1. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- SBP gains, when viewing files in the digitizer or through image exports, would often not be applied at the correct starting/ending locations, relative to the "apply gains from time zero/seafloor" setting and the detected seafloor; this is fixed.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- When a SEGY file contaions only a single channel of data, relax the channel matching logic on import to allow a channel number of zero to import.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Generalize the former C3D XTF tab on the File Type Specific options dialog for bathymetry input to aply to any bathymetric XTF file as opposed to just C3D XTF files. Users may now control
    which XTF packets ware used for navigation data and which packets should be used for attitude data when importing bathy XTF files.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The CUBE based bathymetry gridding dialog has had a few minor tweaks.

Version 6.01.0024 21 AUG 2015

  1. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Prevent multiple bathy drawing threads from running at the same time.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Increase the SQL page size to improve the drawing performance.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add the x of y file progress to the bathymetry processing monitor window.

  4. BUGFIX:SBP_RT:MINOR:GM:3738 -- The real-time event generating code was not correctly incrementing the event number when the Navigation and Manual mode was selected.

  5. BUGFIX:JSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- The computation of the frequency reported in the SSS properties dialog was not being done correctly for sonars that transmitted higher than 655kHz. This is fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Some problems that could cause SonarWiz to crash or hang if closed while a drawing operation was in progress have been fixed.

Version 6.01.0023 15 AUG 2015

  1. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The channel selector was not being handled correctly when importing multi-channel SEGY files. Fixed.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:S7K:MINOR:GM:0 -- When using the GetFromFile button on a Reson S7K file, not all of the navigation sources were considered.
    This has now been expanded to use the 7015 packets in addition to the existing sources.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add support for processing the sub-bottom channel from Humminbird files.

  4. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- In the sidescan target editor, clicking "Restore" (even in the absence of any image manipulation) would result in the loss of some image quality due to loading the image at a lower color depth; this is fixed.

  5. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- In the sidescan target editor, clicking "Restore" would result in the target image being loaded in its non-channel-swapped, non-flipped state, regardless of the swap/flip state of the underlying CSF file; this is fixed.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:4353 -- Since 5.07.0009, Save Mosaic as Tile - tile sizes were limited to 1000m max per side, since many users were exceeding this limit, and saw troublesome OUT OF MEMORY errors. We have hardly ever had such errors in the meantime. So now at user request, we are relaxing the TILE SIZE limit to 5000m x 5000m once again, with the caveat that your large mosaic, or small PC RAM space, may again result in an OUT OF MEMORY error. Try reducing the geographic extent of the export, or the resolution, to mitigate such errors. Resolution is limited to the range 0.050 m/pixel - 10,000 m/pixel now as well, to help improve reliability of this export.

Version 6.01.0022 7 AUG 2015

  1. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add new SEGY option to extract events from bytes 195-196 of the trace header to support some CODA data collected by Japanese customer.

  2. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Importing XTF files with 3 or fewer pings was crashing the software. This is now fixed and SonarWiz now simply rejects XTF files with fewer than 10 pings.

  3. BUGFIX:BATHY-RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- Several bug fixes that could have lead to crashes during real-time bathymetry acquisition were found and fixed.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:JSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add new JSF tool to scan and count all of the various packets in a JSF file.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:EVT:MINOR:GM:0 -- In the SS bottom tracker, digitizer window and contact editor no display fractional event numbers where possible.

Version 6.01.0021 01 AUG 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Modify bathy database to store uncertainty values--on the road to CUBE.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add the Time constant for course smoothing to the CSF file extension so it can be displayed in the CSF file properties dialog.

  3. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Remove the semi-automatic reflector picking section from the SBP digitizer. We tried, but were unsuccessful in coming up with a decent reflector
    tracking tool that worked reliably.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Replaced the annoying CSF Properties message box with an HTML based message box that allows copying to the clipboard, printing and does
    not beep at you when it opens.

  5. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Updated underlying map library to latest version after some bug fixes on our end.

  6. BUGFIX:RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- Corrected a couple of concurrency issues with the bathymetry acquisition.

Version 6.01.0020 24 JUL 2015

  1. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Grids and raw bathymetry data, when drawn with certain palette/scaling combinations, could have significantly differing colors even when originating from the same data; this is fixed.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:HSX:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add support for Hypack CAB (cable out) message

  3. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The sidescan target editor dialog now shows target images in the same orientation (horizontal/vertical flipping) as the corresponding CSF is set to be shown in.

Version 6.01.0019 17 JUL 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:75 -- Implemented logic to compute the fractional event numbers to sonar contacts. Both contact report generators have also been updated to
    support the floating point values for event numbers assigned to contacts.

  2. BUGFIX:SGY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Our SEGY reader was not handling the case where SEGY traces included errant position values. This is now improved in this version.

  3. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Some instances were fixed in which shaded relief parameters (elevation, azimuth, exaggeration) could be assigned to out-of-range values via the shaded relief dialog or the controls in the bathy tab of the ribbon, potentially leading to crashes.

Version 6.01.0018 10 JUL 2015

  1. BUGFIX:SES:MINOR:GM:0 -- The Innomar peek function was not suppressing SIS string error checking. This is now fixed.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:RDF:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add new RDF file specific option dialog for reading the GeoSwath RDF sidescan format. The new options dialog provides a setting
    to treat the GeoSwath amplitude values as linear or dB values.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:NW:0 -- Modify the sidescan bottom tracker to provide independent auto tracker controls for each channel. In addition to simply tracking each
    channel independently, the tracker now allows users to set and recall independent tracker values for the port and starboard channels. For users, that don't need this
    advanced level of tracking, simply track one channel or the other and set the checkbox labeled Sync Port/Stbd Channels.

  4. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fix axis labeling problem on UGC sidescan gain control so that the port channel X axis legend is annotated in the same direction as the line graph.

Version 6.01.0017 06 JUL 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Finish implementation of Innomar SES SBP file import and options dialog.

  2. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The contour generator that works on a pre-existing grid had an option to generate filled isolines but this option never worked correctly. Now the filled
    isoline area option is available for the KML and MIF formats. It is not supported with shapefiles and DXF but at least the option is grayed out for those file types now.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast controls for palette manipulation are now applicable to all data types. Previously they were inapplicable to bathymetric depth data.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The legend window for the backscatter data type now uses raw backscatter values [0 .. 65535] for scaling purposes, for all three scaling methods (full range, loaded data, and user-specified).

  5. BUGFIX:CSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- CSF extension files were not being created for all acoustic sidscan file types causing problems with the dual channel bottom tracker. This is now fixed. Transaction
    processing added here too which should help speed up file import times.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:3581 -- Relaxed the return code value from the lat/lon to x/y conversion process to allow conversions that produce soft warnings to execute successfully.

  7. BUGFIX:CODA:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed several miscellaneous bugs related to reading the CODA analog SBP file format.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:4029 -- Implement a pair of new CODA SBP File importing options. The Auto-scale checkbox computes statistics on each ping. Those statistics are then used to do a
    trimmed histogram stretch on the amplitude data so that the user does not need to set the manual scaling values. The Auto Balance check box uses the same statistics to detect a DC voltage
    bias in the data and if one is found to automatically shift the amplitude values of the entire ping in order to automatically remove that DC voltage bias.

  9. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Started some basic preparations for the eventual build of a 64-bit SonarWiz version. No impact expected for the current 32bit version.

Version 6.01.0016 26 JUN 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Upgrade to GlobalMapper SDK V162.2

  2. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Relocate the check box for making SBP water column transparent in 3D viewer

  3. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- SonarWiz now sends the current coordinate system information to both the 3D viewer and new Helm Display applications during data collection.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- SonarWiz now generates a PRJ file to accompany the 3D sub-bottom files for the 3D viewer so that the viewer.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:CONTOURS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Reworked the Tools->Grid and Contour utility. A few unused controls have been removed and a new UI for setting the tightness of the grid cells has been added.
    Whereas this utility was formerly executed by an external program the function is now done internally by SonarWiz.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:GRIDS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The grid properties window now shows the X & Y range, the X, Y, and total cell count, and the grid value (median depth, amplitude, etc.) minimum, maximum, and range.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Initial support for importing Innomar native SES files. Work in progress.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed a few problems with the display of SBP data that was imported as unsigned 16-bit integere format.

Version 6.01.0015 19 JUN 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- When using 1012 and 1013 heading and attitude packets in S7K files, heading is now interpolated onto roll pitch heave packets before loading into data base.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Preliminary dual-channel support for S7K files. Note that this needs more testing.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Implement UI controls to allow users to specify which Reson S7K packets should be used for navigation, heading, pitch, roll and heave.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:XTF:MINOR:GM:0 -- To the Tools->XTF->Extract XTF Navigation utiity add new columns to report the min, avg, med and max amplitude value for the first port and first starboard amplitude arrays in each ping.

  5. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The batch offset function (part ofthe batch bottom tracker) was not handling the independent channel tracking correctly. This is now fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The batch bottom tracker function was not handling the independent channel tracking correctly. This is now fixed.

  7. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- When a large ROV mounted sidescan included a wide separation between port and starboard channels the mosaic, contact and feature picking sections of the code were
    not fully supporting that. Transducer separation should now be fully supported.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:CSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- CSF files now store the vessel that was active when they were imported. This allows the import of files from different vessels or vessel setups to
    be imported into a single project.

  9. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The Import Sidscan File dialog has been reorganized to try and reduce the clutter. Infrequently used cntrols have been moved to an Advanced Sidescan Import Settings
    dialog connected to the Advanced button on the original import dialog.

  10. ENHANCEMENT:S7K:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add checkbox to enable/disable backscatter packet processing during import of Reson S7K files.

  11. BUGFIX:SBP:MAJOR:GM:0 -- Version 6.01.0014 introduced a bug in the SEGY recording that caused the files to be unreadable.

  12. ENHANCEMENT:S7K:MINOR:GM:0 -- Removed S7K file dialog warning about selecting 7028 snippets without selecting 7027 RAW detection packets. That is no longer needed. It is OK to process snippets using the 7006 bathy packets.

  13. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Grid line spacing and thickness for exported geoimages is now supported; controls are present in the export screens to allow setting the lat/lon and x/y grid increments and the grid line thickness. The line thickness scales the line labeling font as well.

  14. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The scale box for tiled images is now set to a reasonable size for the export as a whole now, instead of the (relatively smaller) size of a single tile.

  15. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Previously, tiled image exports would draw a scale box, if applicable, on each tile, resulting in many scale boxes being drawn on the final, full-sized image. The scale box is drawn in the lower left tile only now.

Version 6.01.0014 12 JUN 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0-- Add new radio buttons and logic for controlling the selection of bakscatter data (bathy, snippets or TruePix) in the R2Sonic settings dialog.
    Also added radio buttons to control how the backscatter is interpolated across the ping.

  2. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0-- Tweaked the new dual channel bottom tracker to make it more like the old 5.08 tracker when operating on a single channel at a time.

  3. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Scan for position button on new project dialog now works for S7K files.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 - Added support for S7K packet 1012 (Roll Pitch Heave) and 1013 (Heading), still recommend using 1016 instead of these.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 - Updated S7K packet definition 7027 (Raw Detection) to support recent updates to this packet for snippets processing.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 - Added support for S7K packet 7022 (7K Center Version) to see what topside version we are dealing with (tools > installation parameters)

  7. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 - First implementation of post-processing WASSP multibeam NWSF files.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 - In the Save Project as Web site dialog only allow the seelction of hyperlinked contact reports when the user has selected the Google Maps style web.
    The contact hyperlinking has been deprecated in the old static web page generator.

  9. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- The context menu that shows when right-clicking on selected contacts now allows for deleting multiple contacts at once.

  10. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- In prior versions, scrolling to the end of sidescan files in the SSS digitizer would sometimes leave invalid ping numbers in audit logs; this is fixed.

  11. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Some instances where image export functions for individual files or the entire mosaic could leave some sonar data missing from the resulting images have been fixed.

Version 6.01.0013 05 JUN 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0-- Update the initial VRP to be in the center of the vessel and at the waterlin.

  2. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed logic that prevented users from applying some combinations of tide height, antenna heignt, and pressure depth.

  3. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Digitized features created from SBP bottom tracks were not taking swell filters into account; this is fixed.

  4. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Various operations on SBP digitized features (creating, deleting, making from bottom tracks) could crash SonarWiz; this is fixed.

  5. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- INI settings in previous versions related to e.g., the system information window's settings could not be loaded/saved, resulting in default values being applied; this is fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Selecting survey lines in the plan view and right-clicking would often bring up the wrong context menu; this is fixed.

  7. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Selecting a survey line in the plan view that was on top of, e.g., a sidescan line, would also select the sidescan line in prior versions; this is fixed.

  8. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINPR:GM:0 -- Removed the JSF attitude record processing that was happening during a JSF position record processing call. It was causing some jitter
    in the heading values in bathy processing.

Version 6.01.0012 29 MAY 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:1561 -- Recompute All on SBP contacts was broken. It's fixed now.

  2. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- When loading a magnetometer project, anomalies would not be re-linked to new mag file locations if the files at the original location still existed (if, say, the project was copied as opposed to being moved). This is fixed now.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:4362 -- Added a pair of radio buttons to the sidescan section of the Real-time Mosaic setup dialog to select either CMG or heading for projecting the sonar
    data into the real-time mosaic.

  4. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- An error causing CMF files to not be found/remain in the project after a project move has been fixed.

  5. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- In prior versions, mouse movement in the plan view could cause depths to be reported from loaded items (grids, etc.) not representing depths (standard deviations, amplitudes, etc.). This is fixed; depths reported as "Z (map)" are taken only from loaded basemaps.

Version 6.01.0011 22 MAY 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Modify project database to store vessel type which will soon be used to distinguish between a surface vessel and an AUV.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- SBP digitizer drawing performance is improved, esp. for projects/lines containing many features/intersections.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Some operations regarding digitized features have had their performance improved: [de]selection/drawing in the plan view, [de]selection in the explorer tree, commands in the feature manager dialog.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:1283 -- Ability to inject bathy database files added to NavInjectorPro 6.01.004 in this release, to support replacement of attitude data with better data if available.

  5. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Changes to the checkbox states in the "Labeled" column in the feature manager could sometimes fail to persist/be correctly applied in prior versions; this is fixed.

  6. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Simrad .ALL file reader is currently set to only use the primary navigation system for position records.

  7. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- An error that could cause some clicks to select features in the plan view to fail has been fixed.

  8. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:4868 -- In some situations (e.g., after a project move), loaded magnetometer files would fail to recompute non-user-edited peak-to-peak values for anomalies; this is fixed.

Version 6.01.0010 15 MAY 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- Change the sensor signal lost message boxes to a self-time out style message box.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Change the default initial default filter settings for beam steered swath systems and the 6205 disable all filters.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- The ship is drawn on the plan view now in a style similar to that used by the vessel editor; sensors are drawn as well.

  4. BUGFIX:EVAL:MINOR:GM:5573 -- If a user had used an evaluation code in version 5 and then was granted a new evaluation code for version 6 the old evaluation code would be perpetuated and the user had no option to enter the newer replacement code. This is now fixed.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:S7K:MINOR:GM:0 -- Finish all S7K snippet packets for backscatter processing.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Mouse coordinates from the plan view, shown at the bottom of the main frame, now show depth values from bathy, if available, along with amplitude, heading, heave, roll, and pitch.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The dockable palette window, when showing the backscatter palette, allows for scaling to the loaded data to be selected, and shows the raw unsigned 16-bit values as the palette scale.

Version 6.01.0009 08 MAY 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add new snippet, sidescan and backscatter processing options to the Reson S7K format.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:319 -- Add new feature import tool to read the point positions of Hypack target (TGT) files.

  3. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:319 -- Importing the Hypack .ECM files (same would happen with raw files) where the import

  4. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:319 -- Eliminated the PDF check box option on the magnetometer anomaly report generator--office tools now save as PDF.

  5. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:2188 -- Fixed minor scaling problem in the processig of Starfish logdoc sidescan files.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:RFF:MINOR:GM:271 -- Begin implementation of sidescan, bathy and backscatter processing from GeoSwath+ V4 RFF Files. Work in progress.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- When scrolling through the Swath Editor, the SonarWiz plan view now displays the outline of the polygon that is being viewed in the Swath Editor.

  8. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- Prior versions of magnetometer import would stop if any individual file failed to import; the process continues to the end of the imported files now.

  9. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- Prior versions of magnetometer import from CSF would never datum shift; they are able to now.

  10. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- Prior versions of magnetometer import from text formats would have inaccurate progress bars during import; this is fixed.

  11. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- Prior versions of magnetometer export would put files into the project magnetometer directory, regardless of what export location had been picked; this is fixed.

  12. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- The "Anomalies" button in the magnetometer file manager had no effect before; the anomaly list is opened now.

  13. BUGFIX:MAG:MINOR:GM:0 -- Magnetometer projects use significantly less memory now, and can hence contain many more lines.

Version 6.01.0008 28 APR 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Set the default bathy drawing mode to Draw Raw Bathymetry.

  2. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The Sidescan Import File dialog did not fit correctly when the display resolution was <= 768 pixels high. Fixed.

  3. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The Sidescan Settings dialog did not fit correctly when the display resolution was <= 768 pixels high. Fixed.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- When the vessel and/or its sensors are changed, the processed bathymetry files are set to the yellow state
    indicating they need to be remerged.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:4114 -- Added new hot F1 key to contact editor to allow the measurement of length, width and height in that order without
    having to click the Measure buttons in the dialog to obtain those measurements. This is an effort to reduce the number of clicks required to process a contact.

  6. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Latitude/longitude in the coordinate prompt dialog for the "Jump to Coordinates" function ("J" accelerator in the plan view) are now formatted per the user preferences.

  7. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- In some circumstances, images built for the SBP digitizer could have a height other than 1024 even if the selected height mode in the annotations was set to its default (always 1024). This is fixed.

  8. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- Entering the split feature mode in the SBP digitizer would cause buttons for other commands to be highlighted, as if they were active; this is fixed.

  9. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:4114 -- The toolbar in the SBP digitizer now has an option to "zoom to fit height" which will set the zoom level on the window such that the data fits in the window height.

  10. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:3535 -- The Threshold dialog that displays the histogram has been slightly improved to use only the non-zero bins of histogram data and to skip the first few bins in the histogram (0-4) where the counts will
    almost always be very high.

  11. ENHANCEMENT:MAG:GM:4114 -- The "MMT Maglog GPS w/altitude" template for magnetometer data was not parsing the second parameter which is signal strength. This was changed in FFTemplates_system.db3 version 7.55, and now Mag_signalStrength can be viewed as well in ZEDIT. Values above 700 indicate adequate signal-strength. See the revised "Magnetometry Post-processing Reference" PDF at for details.

  12. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:GM:0 -- Added colormap scaling control displayed for real-time bathy view to 3D Editor.

  13. BUGFIX:BATHY:GM:0 -- Fixed incorrect pitch sign in Patch Test Calibration.
    Version 6.01.0007 17 APR 2015

  14. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The UGC gain control now allows users to budge the selected nodes up and down using the up/down arrow keys. This gives finer
    control over the UGC gain adjustment curve and is easier to deal with on a moving boat.

  15. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The selected reflector in the sub-bottom digitizer can be split into two. A button in the ribbon enters the split mode when a (local) reflector is selected; putting the cursor in the window will draw a vertical line where a split will occur with a left click. Splitting a reflector turns one reflector into two, the first having all the nodes to the left of the click point plus a node at the click point, the second having all the nodes to the right of the click point plus a node at the click point.

  16. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Popup menus for selected sidescan, sub-bottom, magnetometer, and bathy files now have a "Zoom To" option, which will center and zoom the plan view to match the selected item(s).

  17. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- An keyboard shortcut has been added to allow centering the plan view on the current mouse position; while the mouse is within the plan view, hitting "C" will re-center on the mouse position.

  18. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- When sidescan was being recorded from a bathy/sidescan device, the contact capture button in the RT waterfall window wouldn't be enabled; this is fixed.

Version 6.01.0006 10 APR 2015

  1. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The sidescan waterfall port/starboard channel labels were positioned somewhat incorrectly before; this is fixed.

  2. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- The gamma slider in the sidescan waterfall window had unreasonable range settings; this is fixed.

  3. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- Image manipulation controls in the sidescan waterfall window are better-behaved relative to which type of image control (new or old) is showing; settings are applied to the visible window, if they're applicable (not all are).

  4. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- While digitizing pipeline freespans, more than one start or end point could accidentally be picked; this is fixed.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:SSS:MINOR:GM:0 -- In the sidescan waterfall window, a contact represented by a polyline can be digitized. When the "polyline contact" menu item from the toolbar is invoked, a polyline contact can be digitized. This type of contact has its length automatically calculated from the polyline points.

  6. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Along track filter should reset itself if no data is making it through, this should eliminate the streaks of no data the filter sometimes caused.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Amplitude data is despeckled during EGN processing to produce a less grainy appearance.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY-RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- Change default real-time bathy UDP port to match 3D viewer ie both now default to UDP port 5095.

  9. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY-RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- Lay ground work for new real-time helm display that will show bathymetry coverage and attitude data.

  10. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY-RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add new Tools->All Files->Extract Detailed Record Info function to examine detailed contents of Kongsberg All files.

  11. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY-RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add Kongbserg .ALL file type specific option tab to Import Bathy File dialog.

  12. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY-RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add option to force one or the other attitude packet to be processed when importing Kongbserg .ALL bathy files.

  13. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fix unsupported operation error when accessing the palette editing dialog.

  14. ENHANCEMENT:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- Add option to enable/disable compression of Geotiff files when using Post-processing->Export->Save Individual GeoImages.

  15. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY-RT:MINOR:GM:0 -- Implement new real-time displa option for Swath Editor to allow real-time display of the real-time bathymetry swath data.

  16. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Big performance improvement in the rendering speed of the swath editor when advancing from page to page during an editing session.

Version 6.01.0005 27 MAR 2015

  1. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:565 -- The replace auxialliary data was not working correctly when only position data was being replaced. Also, added a template description
    control so users can actually see what is inside the various templates.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:S7K:MINOR:GM:0 -- Implement new S7K Installation Parameters packet utility under Reson S7K files.

  3. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:565 -- During data acquisition chnages to the filter settings were not being applied to the active data set. This is now fixed.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Improve the speed with which the settings are updated during post-processing.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:JSF:MINOR:GM:4114 -- If the JSF file contains a non-zero sound velocity value use that in preference over the application's setting of sound velocity.

  6. ENHANCEMENT:CORES:MINOR:GM:4114 -- Add the easting and northing to the cores CSV file that is saved in the root of the project folder and append the -cores suffix to the file name to make it a little easier to find.

  7. BUGFIX:SSS:MINOR:GM:72 -- When applying a nadir transparency to certain sidescan files a single pixel near the boundary between the transparent and data regions was not being set correctly. This is now fixed.

  8. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added new logic to check that a valid swath bathy sensor is configured on the vessel before the user can select a real-time bathy sonar for data acquisition.

  9. ENHANCEMENT:SBP:MINOR:GM:886-- The CSF to SEGY converter was extremely slow because a logic problem in the converter. This has been fixed.

Version 6.01.0004 20 MAR 2015

  1. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Now application settings for background and text color will apply to 3D View in Swath Editor. Also added settings for coordinate axes,
    bounding box/scale and rotation ring display, available in application settings dialog or from popup menu in the 3D view.

  2. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added Space, Shift+Space shortcuts to Swath Editor to scroll views by one page of data. Works from all views, including 3D view.

  3. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed application setting for maximum number of points in point subset in 3D Editor.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Now amplitude colormaps should work in a way similar to depth colormaps with gradient colormap styles working for amplitude-based colormapping.
    Also added support for legacy LUT colormaps to all applications.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Now custom depth and amplitude ranges for colormapping are saved to project settings and are restored in next session in 3D Editor and Swath Editor.

  6. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Fixed PDF export and Report Generator/Web Generator crashes.

  7. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Overall bathy recording speed improvements.

  8. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The prior RT grid was very slow and grew forever and would eventually exhaust memory. None of that happens any more, it's much better-behaved.

Version 6.01.0003 13 MAR 2015

  1. BUGFIX:ALL:MINOR:GM:0 -- GeoSwathPlus amplitude and sidescan values are convered to dB before creating CSF and Bathy files.

  2. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- The file selection filter for importing sub-bottom files was not formatted correctly causing some weird results in the SBP File import dialog. This is now fixed.

  3. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- The tree control now correctly loads the multiple grids that are generated by our gridding utility.

  4. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- We've added a new data type for standard deviation and desnity grids so that users may select and scale the color palettes for each of these gridded data types.

  5. ENHANCEMENT:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Now when drawing multiple grids each grid is rendered with the palette associated with its data type. In English that means that bathyumetric surfaces are
    rendered with the palette assigned to Bathymetry, Amplitude surfaces are rendered with the Backscatter palette, Standard Deviation grids are rendered with the Standard Deviation palette and Density Grids
    are rendered with the Density palette.

  6. BUGFIX:BATHY:MINOR:GM:0 -- Changed scaling of beam amplitude values in Kongsberg ALL files so they display properly.

  7. BUGFIX:SBP:MINOR:GM:0 -- If the capture contact button was enabled in the real-time SBP window, there was no way to get out of this mode. This is now fixed.

  8. ENHANCEMENT:JSF:MINOR:GM:0 -- Added the variable KP to the list of extracted columns in the JSF to CSV extraction utility.

Copyright 2022, Chesapeake Technology, Inc.